Do you believe that puppy potty training can be easy? Well, I do. Dog potty training is simple and fun WHEN THE PUPPY TELLS YOU when she wants to go outside to do her business. One of my favorite methods is to teach a puppy to ring a bell to go out.
...Dogs love to play games and learn tricks.
This trick "Ring A Bell To Go Out" gets the dog to do what you want - go outside to do her business - but think it's her idea! To teach your puppy or dog how to ring a bell, follow these simple steps.
*Step 1. Find a bell. Use a light-weight bell. (Don't use a heavy metal cow bell.)
Choose the right size for your dog. (A dachshund needs a smaller bell than a Labrador retriever.)
*Step 2. Hang the bell from a door knob easy reach of the dog's nose. (Remember, nose level is different for Yorkshire Terriers and German Shepherds.)
*Step 3. Every time before you take the puppy out, say "Outside? Do you want to go outside?"
As you go out the door, hold the string so that the dog bumps into the bell and it rings. (If you need to shake the string so the bell rings, shake it.) Repeat for a few days.
This step associates the sound of the bell with a behavior - go outside to do your business.
*Step 4. When the dog is not watching you, place a little peanut butter or soft cheese on the bell.
*Step 5. Wait and watch. Two things might happen ...both of them good!
Some dogs immediately smell the peanut butter, go to the bell, and ring it..
Perfect! Say "Outside?" the door, walk over to the potty area, and say "Go potty." Reward the dog when she potties with praise and a small food treat.
Other dogs need to be encouraged to find the bell.
If that happens to you try this:
Hold the bell close to the dog's nose so the dog smells the peanut butter, licks it, and rings the bell. (You might have to shake the string tied onto the bell so that the bell makes a couple of rings if the dog's tongue barely moves the bell.) As the bell rings, in a happy voice say "Outside?" ... open the door, walk over to the potty area, and say "Go potty." While the dog is pottying, softly repeat saying "go potty." Then, Reward the dog with praise and a small food treat.
*Step 6. After the dog easily rings the bell, without your help, ask the dog "Outside?"...and wait by the door until the dog "rings" the bell. Then, take the dog outside to do her business.
Puppy potty training is good for dogs of all ages!
It's easy to forget that senior dogs often need more frequent bathroom trips due to bladder problems. ...But the bell reminds us. Rescue dogs that have never lived inside a house, quickly learn the difference between "inside" house manners and "outside" house behaviors. Any dog that lives in a house without a doggy door will keep your home accident-free when they learn how to ring a bell. Plus, puppy potty training with a door bell also works great when your dog travels with you on vacation. Just bring the dog's bell with you and tie it on the motel door. won't have to worry about any accidents!
If your puppy or dog is peeing or pooping in the house, you need to find quick and easy solutions now. I know for a fact that you can have a completely house trained dog! Do you want to learn how? Visit learn how you can live in the Land Of The Obedient Dog! Check out my September 15 article that discusses Puppy Potty Training: Why your puppy pees and poops inside the house after you come inside... and how to stop it NOW! |
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