Friday, September 26, 2008

Dog Behavioral Problems - How to Tackle Them

By Gary Pearson

Every dog has their own personality and their own set of behavioral problems, unfortunately. Dog behavioral problems can range from chewing, barking and biting, as well as deeper psychological problems like anxiety, shyness, or aggressive reactions.

Common dog behavioral problems faced by dog owners can be something as benign as whining to destructive like chewing on furniture. No matter the issue, any dog behavioral problems faced by dog owners are seen as undesirable and unwanted. But don't fret; your dog's behavioral issues can be rectified with proper dog training techniques. Most issues stem from separation anxiety experienced by puppies and can continue into adulthood. Much like their human counterparts, dogs can suffer anxiety when separated from their mother at an early age. Since a mother is the dominate force in a puppy's maturation, it is understandable that puppies act out their separation anxiety. You will need to consider pet health and dog psychology when you are addressing dog behavioral problems. Much like children, dogs will act out when stressed or unhappy.

Aggression in dogs is a common issue faced by dog owners. Aggression in dogs can be unpredictable and dangerous for all parties involved. There are different types of aggression in dogs: alarm from aggression, dominance and overprotective aggression. Dogs are pack animals, so it is comprehensible that they would naturally see their new human family as their pack, but overprotective aggression can result in harm to your pet and your family if not correct. While all dogs can be retrained, in extreme cases, some dog trainers may feel that a dog is in fact too psychologically damaged to be trained. However, dog training and dog psychology has made great strides in correcting this thinking. So don't worry. You dog behavioral problems can be corrected with the right attitude, the right dog trainer and a great deal of patience.

Most times behavioral problems stem from boredom and lack of exercise. Considering your dogs exercise regime can help manage pet health and any dog behavioral problems that have developed. Dogs naturally need to expend great amounts of exercise, and if they are cooped up in a household all day long, they can grow boredom and frustrated. This can cause a lot of their problems. Make sure to incorporate long walks and challenge their minds to expend the energy. Most times, this is enough to gain control over their behavioral problems.

When is a dog trainer needed? If you have a dog that has serious behavioral problems, such as aggression towards individuals or other dogs, which threaten human and pet health, it is best not to tackle the problem yourself. Seek out the assistance of a certified professional dog trainer to help educate you and your dog to better living techniques and training methods to correct the aggressive behaviors. No matter what, have patience with your dog. Dogs have difficulty with long term memories most times, so you will have to devise a schedule of training and exercise to stick with to reinforce the desired behavior. Training your dog is possible, if you are willing to retrain yourself as well.

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about dog behavioral problems visit Best Pet Finder for current articles and discussions.

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