Every dog lover wants their dog to be well-trained and obedient, and what would be better if that could happen without ever having to register in obedience class or hiring an expensive professional dog trainer? What would be better than for you to be able to train your dog at your very own house, at your own pace and your own convenience? If these questions put a smile on your face, you have come to the right place! This article provides you with easy tips and directions that will enable you to be your own dog's trainer at your own time and convenience, and create an everlasting bond of friendship between you and your pet!
You should always start your dog's training in an area that has little or no distractions at all. This way it would be able to completely focus on you. Eventually when your dog has learnt to follow your commands perfectly, you can start practising in parks so that your dog can be focused on you despite all the distractions!
You must ensure that you do not overburden your dog with a lot of different commands in too little time. You need to remember that because dogs do not understand words and only respond to actions, motions and tones of their trainers, they need time to fully understand the command. Teach your dog only one command at a time, and only after you are a hundred percent sure that your dog has completely understand and learnt the command should you move on to another one. If your dog is slow to respond, you must be patient and let it learn at its own pace. Keep in mind that you must give it as much encouragement and support as it needs till it is ready to start learning a new command.
Even after your dog has learnt the command completely, you must make sure that it gets a lot of practice. If you start teaching your dog a new command, make sure you spend about fifteen minutes at least on the new command everyday and also consistently make your dog practise the old commands that is has learnt.
No matter what commands you are teaching to your dog, you must ensure using positive reinforcements during training so that the dog continues to associate its correct actions to the pleasant rewards and treats it gets for doing so. On the other hand, if your dog acts in a manner that is incorrect or unreliable, never try to use negative reinforcements. Never hit your dog. Never scream at your dog.
This may have very negative consequences for your relationship with your dog. If the dog feels threatened by you in absolutely any way, it will not respond to your training and actually may get violent and attack you back!
Remember, training your dog can be very easy but it requires a lot of patience on your part. With these tips and some patience, you should be able to get your dog to be well behaved in no time!
Save yourself a lot of time as a dog owner and train your dog to be obedient. It gets so much easier for both you and your dog when you have trained your dog´s obedience. Click here to learn more about training your dog. |
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