Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Million "Barks" Project

By Matthew Goodman

Did you know an estimated 6 to 8 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year?... I knew the number was high, but that's ridiculously high. Every year, a "Pet Holocaust" is occuring!!!....

While this blog tends to highlight the lighter side of doggy issues, this statistic is not funny at all ... And it should serve as a wake up call to dog lovers and pet enthusiasts worldwide.

It woke me up... It woke me up like one of Watson's loudest barks.

This is a serious issue... And it demands serious attention RIGHT NOW!

I'm an impatient ASS! So lets get straight to the facts:

We already know that 61% of households in the U.S. don't own a dog (*humane society).... So I did the math and figured that to be about 20 million households who don't own a dog.

Now if a quarter of those households were to adopt a dog this year, the pet overpopulation problem would be solved... just like that!

But we have to be realistic. we're not going to persuade every household in America to adopt a dog... not even a quarter of them.

So let's re-calibrate - What if we strive for just 5% of those 20 million - That's one million households... If we persuaded them, that would mean 1 million dogs saved

So how do we do that?

1. We need to establish a grassroots effort like never before...

2. We need to do it with passion and charisma...

3. We need a catchy name....

That's why I've come up with = "The Million 'Barks' Project"

We humans need to Bark!... And we need to bark LOUD - louder than our dogs... We also need to bark as one - As one large, powerful dog loving community.

In the coming months, I'm going to set up a Barkathon, as well as numerous other activities to make the public more aware of this troubling situation.

I invite you to bark with me and join "The Million Barks Project". - "The Daily Dog Tail"

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