Is your dog overweight? Many owners don't really know when our furry friends are in need of losing a few pounds. It may be that we see them every day and just don't notice the change.
Veterinary nutritionists estimate that 25 to 40 percent of U.S. dogs are obese. Weighing 20 percent more than their ideal body weight puts them in this category. A dog that's too heavy is likely to have additional health challenges. Just a few of these include diabetes, Cushing's disease, arthritis, high blood pressure and respiratory difficulty. Also, spinal problems.
So how do you know if your dog is overweight? There are a few things you can do. Stand above your dog and look down at him. If you see an hourglass shape, then he's okay. However, if you see his sides pooching out, then you'll know your dog needs to lose some weight. You can also feel your dog's ribs. If you can feel them easily under a thin layer of fat, then you're okay. If not, then changes need to be made.
It's always best to take your dog to the vet before changing their diet, just to be sure you don't exclude needed nutrients. Certainly, table scraps and high calorie treats should cease. Increase in exercise, as long as your dog is able, also should be part of the plan. Switching high calorie treats for more healthy choices isn't hard to do. Some good treats include carrots, apples, green beans, cottage cheese and broccoli. And yes, your dog will devour them.
Just like humans, dogs have a more difficult time shedding pounds as adults. The weight loss will be gradual if done properly. The best thing to do is to be aware of your dog's food intake as a puppy. I know it's hard to resist those puppy dog eyes, but it's the best long term thing you can do for your faithful companion. Experts say you should feed a puppy only puppy food, four times a day for three months. Then cut it back to three times a day for the next three months, and then once or twice a day up to one year of age. That's when you should switch to adult dog food, and always keeping an eye on his weight.
Dogs who are at a healthy weight are happier and more full of life. It's no different than we humans. Sometimes we just don't pay attention or don't realize how what we feed out pets impacts them, and the length of their lives.
An animal lover and advocate, Debbie Foster owns where you'll find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers, dog pens, cat beds, cat carriers, large dog beds, pet strollers and more. |
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