Thursday, September 25, 2008

Urinary Infections in Dogs - 3 Tips to Prevent Urinary Infection in Dogs

By Laura Ramirez

Urinary infections in dogs (UI for short) can be excruciatingly painful and endanger your pet's life. What most pet owners fail to realize is that, just like tooth decay, dog UI infections can be prevented. In this article, you'll learn three important prevention tips that will ensure that your beloved Fido lives a happier, longer, disease-free life.

Prevention Tips for Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

  • Allow your dog free access to your yard, so your pet can urinate when needed. Since the most common cause of a UI infection is a chronically full bladder, this is an important point. If your dog stays inside all day while you're at work, install a doggie door or buy a dog house and leave your dog outside.

    If you do not have a yard, hire a dog walker (or a neighbor's kid) to walk your dog half-way through the work day. This way, your dog will be allowed to urinate at regular intervals. While this is not as effective as letting your dog urinate when he needs to, it's better than keeping your pet cooped up all day with a full bladder.

If you follow this tip, make sure to take your dog for a walk in the morning before work and then immediately after you return home.

  • Make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh, clean water. Of course, this becomes a problem if your dog stays inside all day because the more water your pet drinks, the more your pet will have to urinate. Still, fresh, clean water helps to keep the urinary tract functioning properly and decreases the concentration of sugar in the bladder which is how a UI gets its start.

  • Although the steps above are essential, another important measure you can take to prevent urinary tract infections in dogs is to give your dog an herbal remedy that works as a natural antibiotic to keep the tissues of the urinary tract infection and inflammation free. In this way, preventing UTI's by giving your pet a supplement designed to do so is like preventing cavities by regularly brushing your dog's teeth.

Best of all, the supplement I recommend is easy to dispense-just put a few granules in your dog's mouth which will dissolve instantly in the saliva. There are no hassles-no trying to make your dog swallow some giant pill that he tries to cough back up.

The best supplements on the market can be used both for treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections in dogs. Look for ingredients like arctostaphylos uva ursi - a tonic that normalizes pH levels, berberis vulgaris - restores proper function to the bladder and staphsagris - another tonic that supports bladder function. These ingredients work together to increase bladder flow and create a healthy environment that stops bacteria in its tracks.

You can depend on your dog for affection and unconditional love. Return that love by taking care of your furry friend the same way that you take care of yourself. After all, prevention is the key to health and longevity.

Learn more about preventing urinary tract infections in dogs by going to

Laura Ramirez is the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting. She is the publisher of Family Matters Parenting Magazine and has been a pet lover all her life.

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