Bringing a new puppy home is exciting, but there are many potential hazards both inside and outside of the home that could harm your puppy. Therefore, it is important to identify these hazards and to take steps to remove them in order to keep your beloved pet safe, happy, and healthy.
The Great Outdoors
There are numerous potential hazards in your yard. Certain plants, for example, may be poisonous to your pet. Some common outdoor plants that can be toxic to your puppy include daffodils, lily of the valley and rhododendron. Similarly, until your puppy learns its boundaries, be certain to keep a close eye on your new pet so it does not go out into the street or fall into your pool or pond. Puppies are curious and, if you have a pool or pond, they will likely want to explore it further. Fence these areas off so your puppy cannot access them. You may also want to purchase a pool alarm, which will sound if something falls into the water of your pool.
Storage Buildings
Garages and other storage buildings can potentially be filled with dangers to your pet. These dangers can include chemicals, such as items for your automobiles and gardens, to small parts and equipment such as fishing lines and hooks that may be stored outside. Be certain to keep these outdoor buildings shut and locked so your puppy cannot get inside and into these dangerous items.
When your puppy is indoors be sure to keep your medication inaccessible. Both over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications can be potentially lethal to your puppy. Be sure to keep all medications out of reach and recognize that puppies will look at pill bottles as a potential chew toy.
Indoor Plants
Indoor plants can pose just as much of a problem as outdoor plants. In fact, many common household plants are toxic to puppies. So, keep your plants out of reach in order to keep your puppy safe.
If you are a smoker, be certain to keep your ashtray out of reach of your puppy as well. The cigarettes and the ashes in your ashtray can be lethal to your puppy, as they contain toxic nicotine. Never leave your cigarette butts in an ashtray where they can be reached by a curious puppy and keep your packs of cigarettes stored in an out of reach area.
Indoor Chemicals
Just as there are many chemicals that need to be properly stored outside, there are several indoor chemicals that can cause problems for your puppy. Cleaning products, for example, need to be kept out of reach or kept locked up so your puppy cannot access them. To keep your puppy from getting inside cupboards, attach safety latches to the doors.
While no home is 100% safe for a puppy, by taking certain steps and some precautionary measures, you can make certain your home is as safe as possible for your new canine friend. That way, you can enjoy a long and happy life together with your new pet.
CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065 For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for puppies for sale. Research over 240 dog breeds. |
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