Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chihuahua Training Made Easy

By Kelly Hunter

The first thing that you have to know is that training smaller dogs, for some reason, is a lot harder than training larger dogs. These dogs feel that they have to make up for their size by being in control, and this goes double for chihuahuas. Whenever you are doing chihuahua training, you need to note that training starts as soon as you get the dog. Do not give the dog time to relax and learn to be comfortable in your home first. If you do not start training this dog right away, it will actually start training and controlling you. That is a situation that you do not want to get yourself into.

One thing that most people have problems with when doing chihuahua training is the potty training. This is because they start to let the chihuahua control them. It's a lot harder to avoid than you may think. When you train your dog to use the bathroom outside, most of the time, the dog goes up to the door to go outside. You let the dog out, because you do not want them using the bathroom inside. However, this kind of turns into a boy who cried wolf. The dog learns that every time it goes to the door, you are going to rush and let it out. Most of the time, when they go out, they do not even use the bathroom. One way to avoid this is to put a doggy door in your home. For a chihuahua, you do not need a big one, just a small one to let it go in and out. You may find that a cat door works good for them.

Another thing that you have to remember about chihuahua training, is that it has to be positive. You have to reward the dog for using the bathroom in the correct spot. Not only that, but harsh punishment does not work for these dogs very well. This makes them feel like they have to stick up for themselves more which means a harder battle for you to housebreak the dog. If you do choose to have the dog mess in the house (on some newspapers), then you do have to reward the dog every time it goes to the bathroom in the right spot. Over time, it will become second nature to your dog.

Things that you have to remember is that this kind of training takes a lot of patience. Not only that, but it takes a lot of consistency. Do not break your training for any reason. If you are planning to go on vacation right after you get your chihuahua, then you may want to hold off on getting one. You need to be able to train the dog as soon as you get it. The longer you wait, the harder it is going to be to train these cute little dogs.

When the dog has a problem with chewing on things, remember not use harsh treatment to teach them right from wrong. A very strong voice command is the best way to go. Saying "NO" is a good way to let the dog know that it is doing something that it is not suppose to do.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates and writes about Chihuahua Training

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