Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Curing a Dog Yeast Infection - Cure Dog Yeast Infection

By Cheryline Lawson

Do you own an English Bulldog like Jan does? His name is Archie and he is the cutest dog you could ever see. However, Archie had a dog ear yeast infection and it made Jan sad to see him like that. She tried to give him a medicated shampoo bath with Chlorhexiderm about three times each week and rinse him off with apple cider vinegar, which she mixed with one part water.

Archie was still scratching ferociously, so Jan decided to change his diet. She gave him a different brand of dog food, but that did not work either. She decided to take him to the vet and of course, the vet told her what she already knew - that he his immune system was depressed and he had an anti-fungal bacterium that was causing the yeast infection.

Jan went home disappointed because all the doctor gave her for Archie, her beloved bull dog, was a bunch of medicated drugs. Anyway, was so desperate that she wanted to try anything that would remotely work.

Of course, the doctor's prescribed drug for Archie, which she put in his food, did not work. Jan was running out of options and did not know what to do.

She went on the Internet to do some research on her own. She went from site to site and could not find anything until she stumbled accidentally upon Bulldog Health and not only was that a good find, but the site dealt specifically with English Bulldog Health and Archie was that exact dog breed.

She scrolled down the page of this website and it was as if the person was directly talking to her:

• Does your bulldog have different kinds of health problems that your vet cannot cure?

• Are you having feelings of helplessness when you watch your bulldog suffering from this kind of skin problems?

• Do you have constant worry at nights when you think of the possibility of losing your pet to yeast infection issues or other medical issues that you don't know about?

I couldn't believe that this person was reading my mind, Jan thought. The most important thing about this website was that it covered not only dog ear yeast infection, but other health issues that Archie may have in the future and has had in the past.

Jan was so elated and to think that she never really liked to buy stuff on the Internet. She did not hesitate to get this information that would get Archie back to his old playful self and back to being healthy. It took about four days for Archie to be back on his feet and being the lovely animal that he had become to her and her family.

If you want to know how to Cure Dog Ear Yeast Infection by clicking this link at Curing a Dog Yeast Infection

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