Tuesday, September 23, 2008

5 Effective Ways of House Training Dogs

By Darren Gibson

House training dogs is likely to be the first introduction a new dog owner has to training their four legged friend. This article provides details of a few of the potty training techniques that are considered effective, speedy and humane.

Paper Training

Paper training consists of the owner keeping a very close eye on their puppy for a number of weeks and encouraging them to toilet on areas covered in paper or special "puppy pads" that have been impregnated with a scent to encourage the dog to eliminate on them. Gradually, the area of paper is made smaller and moved towards the door until finally, the dog is toileting outdoors. When using this method, there is usually a lot of cleaning to be done to ensure the odor caused by "accidents" does not encourage the dog to go there and pee again.

Outdoor House Training

If you have bought a puppy from a reputable breeder, chances are he or she will have already been paper trained before you bring them home. If that is the case, you should start to teach them to toilet outside straight away. This method of house training dogs requires you to either closely supervise your dog, or have a very good understanding of the signs he or she is about to go. It's then simply a case of taken them outside to the chosen spot and staying with them until they have finished. Within a short while, the dog will then understand that the place to pee and poop is outdoors.

Outdoor Reinforcement Method

This is a little used method that involves either using a verbal command or clicker to reinforce toileting outside. It can be an effective potty training technique but is usually more time consuming than other methods. The owner waits until the moment the dog has finished toileting and uses a command like "go potty" or "hurry up". The dog then associates the words with the action, which is useful if you have a dog that needs a little prompting, or have taken the dog with you on holiday and expect him to potty in an unfamiliar place.

Using a Litter Box

This technique is better suited to puppies rather than adult dogs. Instead of using an area covered with paper, the pup is encouraged to use a litter box similar to a cat litter tray. Each time you spot Fido starting to pee or poop, whisk them to the box to finish and get on with the clean up!Over time, your dog will seek out the litter box. Once this behavior begins, start to gradually move the litter box towards the door and eventually into the garden. Once your dog is going outside regularly, the litter box can be discarded. As with paper training, a great deal of direct supervision is needed.

Crate Training

In my opinion, this is the most effective potty training technique for puppies and adult dogs alike. During times when the owner is unable to supervise his or her dog indoors, the dog is confined to a crate or cage. Instinctively, the dog will avoid soiling this area. By letting the dog out of the crate to potty outdoors, it will learn quickly that outside is the place to toilet and indoors is the "den". All of the above are effective potty training techniques for puppies. Whatever method you decide on using, remember that it will take a little time and, on the most part, a lot of effort and dedication to the plan. Don't give up and ideally, get plenty of detailed information about your chosen housebreaking method before you start. Proper planning prior to commencing potty training your puppy or dog will save hours, if not days, of frustration and cleaning up pee from the carpet.

If you want to find out more about the different ways to potty train your dog, the Ultimate Housetraining Guide goes trough them all in greater detail, and provides advanced techniques for House Training Dogs of all ages. Darren also provides advice for owners on his Dog Training Questions website

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