Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chihuahua Puppy Care - 5 Easy Tips to Get Started Right

By Al Bullington

Did you get Chihuahua puppy care instructions with your dog? They don't usually come with directions. Really every puppy is a little different, but there are some basics that are the same for your puppy and mine. A Chihuahua puppy wants to please you. That's the way they're made. It's just a matter of communicating with your dog and dealing with those issues that come up with every dog. Here are some basic tips to get you started.

Tip 1: Remember this is a baby.

A Chihuahua puppy is just a baby and still has to learn about most everything. Your job as puppy owner is to patiently guide your puppy in the right direction, based on what you expect from your puppy. A Chihuahua puppy faces extra challenges just because he or she is so small. Just imagine how it would feel to be so small. Pretty scary?

Tip 2: No time for roughness.

Some dogs can deal with rough handling, even though they shouldn't have to. Chihuahuas cannot handle any rough treatment. Any rough treatment will turn a Chihuahua into a neurotic terror just out of fear and self-preservation. You must be patient and gentle with a Chihuahua.

Tip 3: Chihuahua potty training.

Make sure your puppy is old enough to control elimination before you start potty training. Watch your dog closely during potty training and you should be able to quickly tell when the time to go out is near. Elimination usually happens shortly after eating and of course after sleeping at night. Persist to get your pup to the right place for elimination and you will usually have a house trained Chihuahua.

Tip 4: Chihuahua food.

Choosing quality feed is an important part of Chihuahua puppy care. Feed your Chihuahua puppy food designed for small dogs for about a year. Most dog food makers recommend a ration higher in meat for small dogs. Do not over feed or your tiny Chihuahua will get fat and have many health problems.

Tip 5: Chihuahua training.

Chihuahua training that includes some basic obedience training will help you and your dog have a better relationship. Basic training can help avoid many Chihuahua behavior problems and also can help your dog lead a safer and happier life. Chiahuahuas are not the easiest dogs to train, but persistence and patience will work over time to make training successful.

Be persistent and get help with any problems that you can't solve quickly. Your Chihuahua puppy will grow to be an important part of your life.

Puzzled about care for Chihuahua puppies? Need help? Visit our site for free Chihuahua puppy care tips.

We invite you to visit for answers to your Chihuahua questions.

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