Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chihuahua Care Tips For a Well Behaved and Healthy Pet

By Al Bullington

Chihuahua care is especially a challenge because your dog is so small. But just because a Chihuahua dog is small, that doesn't mean there's not a lot of dog in that small package! Sometimes a Chihuahua might be just a tad on the stubborn side too. But professional dog trainers assure us that a Chihuahua wants to please you. It's just a matter of providing the right care and guidance for your dog. What should you do from here?

Idea 1: Define your goals.

Maybe your dog is pooping all over the place or biting or whining? Define what you want to deal with. What kind of behavior is your goal. Then you can start working on the different challenges you face.

Idea 2: Gentleness is essential.

Chihuahua puppies especially are so small that they are often very fearful. If you are in any way harsh with a Chihuahua, this can cause more problems. These dogs must feel secure, so protect the dog from frightening experiences and always be gentle and patient.

Idea 3: Persistence will work.

Chihuahuas have a reputation for being hard to train, but persistence most always works. Don't give up. Your dog wants to please you. It's just a matter of communication and gentle firmness on your part as the trainer.

Idea 4: Get health help.

Consult a good veterinarian to help with health care. Tiny dogs, especially miniature teacup chihuahua dogs, face some health challenges. Because of the small size of your pet, cold weather is especially dangerous. Feeding is a challenge too. Tiny dogs often eat too much and get overweight which may lead to diabetes. Get on a good feeding plan.

Idea 5: Get training help.

It's easier to avoid Chihuahua behavior problems than to correct them. Seek professional guidance if you are having persistent behavior problems. Don't wait too long.

A Chihuahua dog can be a great pet for many years. Get off to a good start by getting good advice on health, feeding and training for your dog.

Puzzled about care for Chihuahua dogs? Need help? Visit our site for Chihuahua care tips.

We invite you to visit for answers to your Chihuahua dog questions.

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