Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dogs With Yeast Infections - Curing a Dog Yeast Infection

By Cheryline Lawson

Rex was a very playful dog. He loved to have you throw him any small object and he would run and get it. Sharon's kids loved Rex. They would come over to my house with Rex and my boys would also enjoy playing with Rex. '

One day the boys came over and Rex was not with them. When I asked why, they hesitated to tell me. The older boy hung his head and told me to call his mom, Sharon and she would tell me. I called Sharon only to learn that she too was ashamed to tell me that Rex had yeast infection.

I asked her how he got it and she explained that the vet told her that Rex had dog ear yeast infection, which was a primary yeast infection that affected the skin and because his immune system could not resist the bacteria that causes yeast infection, he had contaminated it from other dogs in the neighborhood that he might have been playing with.

Dogs with yeast infection

Sharon sounded so sad and so were the boys. My boys also missed Rex and were asking me so many questions that I could not answer. Sharon told me that she did not want Rex to be around the kids because he had all kinds of skin rashes and he just wouldn't stop scratching. I decided to go on a research to find out what I could do to help this family since Sharon told me that what the doctors were giving Rex was not helping at all.

Curing a dog yeast infection

I did some extensive probing online and found a book, titled 12 Hours to Natural Cure of Yeast Infection." I wasn't sure if this book could help since it seemed to target human beings and not canine yeast infection.

I sent an email to the author and was not sure if she would answer me back. Lo and behold, I got an email from her within a few days. She confirmed what I had hoped for. The natural methods that she had in her book had been well researched, she reported, and could help any type of yeast infection in men, babies, women and dogs.

I still wasn't sure, so I asked her if she could give me the email or phone number of someone who had tried it for their dog. I was sure now that she was going to give me a negative answer. I had pushed her in a corner.

To my amazement, she told me she would get back to me within an hour. I got an email a little over an hour later and was given the name and phone number of someone who had used her method to cure dogs yeast infection. However, before I made the phone call, I wanted to be sure that I wasn't just given the name of just any person so I did a reverse phone search to make certain that the phone number belonged to that person and that was when I made the phone call.

To make the story shorter, within 4 days of purchasing the book online and getting the natural treatment for the dogs yeast infection, Rex was his old self again and that yeast infection was gone and never returned.

It is from that standpoint that I have provided a full review of the Dog Yeast Infection book, Natural Cure for Dog Ear Yeast Infection. If you would like to know more about how to get a cure for your dog's yeast infection, go to 12 Hour Natural Cure for Yeast Infection Now.

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