Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dog Training Tips - How to Potty Train Your Dog

By Gary Pearson

Bringing a new dog into your household means a great deal of love and affection, as well as a lot of time spent dog potty training. If your dog is not going to be crate trained, then you will need to impart some strict scheduling to ensure that your pup is following your desire and is comfortable in his new surroundings. Potty training basics means that you will need to find a schedule to ensure proper pet health. Puppies can often grow confused when brought home to a new family. Being away from mom means that they are not receiving the total education he would receive if he matured with his family, which means that they can grow quite confused trying to decipher your needs. It is best to monitor their typical potting habits. Do they potty early in the morning or mid morning? Determining a schedule that is conducive to your puppy's natural rhythms can make dog potty training easier for them to learn. Dog owners would do well if they monitored this fact early on when potty training dogs.

With puppy potty training and pet health, you need to be mindful of how you will go about your training. Many dog owners will find that their new puppies and dogs are new to dog training. They may have to do a bit of leash training prior to effective potty training can occur. Leash training will give you more control as to where your dog can relieve himself outside. Certain places have designated dog areas which having a leash can keep your dog in the proper place and not relieving themselves in improper areas. When leash training, be sure to include commands, such as using the word 'potty' or 'bathroom,' so the dog can associate the word with the action. It is always advisable to acknowledge your dog's great work in dog potty training. Depending on your dog's personality, choose an appropriate treat to reward their good behavior. A food treat can remind a puppy or dog that their action is the desired one and by doing so, they can get rewarded. Most dog trainers use crate training as a tool for dog potty training, but it is completely up to the dog owner as to whether crate training is required.

It is important to ensure that the puppy or dog is welcomed in the home and is not confused about his place in the home. Confusion can lead to improper pet health and dog behavioral problems, which can mean further problems down the road. Some of the best dog training tips are just have patience and keep to a schedule. By establishing and maintaining a proper schedule means that your dog has a greater understanding of your desires and is comfortable with his role in the household. The process can be daunting, but potty training makes for a healthier home and a happier puppy. Consider pet health and psychological impacts your potty training may have on your pup. The greatest thing suffered by puppies during potty training is confusion. Confusion can lead to anxiety and stress, so keep your puppy happy while potty training.

Gary Pearson is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about training dogs visit Clever Pets for current articles and discussions.

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