Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dog Obedience Training - Start When They Are Puppies Or it Might Be Too Late

By Rikard Ingvarsson

A dog is a great source of fun and merriment in any residence. The moment it arrives in any house a surge of emotions begin. But being the owner of the dog you shall have to be more careful from the same time. This includes a good training, which should be comprehensive that will groom the dog and also make it a part and parcel of your life. But beware of the fact that the training is not simple and you must be cautious.

What type of training should you impart? It is nothing but the best form of dog obedience training. However dog obedience training is not unique and there are several forms of this. Therefore you can select the best one according to your prudence but that should be done only after you go through its essential conditions. Never forget that both attitude and behaviour of the dog depends upon its breed. As a result each step you take should be methodical. For instance there are many dogs who due to genetic influences are always leaders. There are also many who always happen to be mere followers. This indicates that the dog obedience training in each of these cases should be entirely different.

The most popular method that is applied till is the treat method. This is beneficial and if applied correctly can form the basis of a prolific coordination between you two. What is the real meaning of this method? The method, in general, utilizes a treat to teach the dog. This helps it to follow up on the different forms of commands. You must remember that while applying these commands should be easiest. They should be very simple and also without a single ambiguity. To the experts the best command at the beginning is to sit. According to their considerations, if the dog becomes able to comprehend this and act accordingly, the following commands will be quite easy for it to follow.

Each and every command, as already said, should be unambiguous. If a dog fails to receive indistinct commands, may get confused. But the matter will not end here! This will diminish its vigor to follow the other commands and it will become feckless. To get rid of this try to make commands clear and decisive. This means that there should be one word commands.

There is a need to make a treat ready from the moment you start the commands and commence by means of squatting the dog. May owners do follow a good method. They are found to demonstrate the command physically to the dogs. This act and its several repetitions form a good affinity between the owner and the dog. Well, while giving the command to sit, you can use your two fingers to pull down the dog's butt. If the dog sits, you should give it the treat.

This is the first step. You must practice this daily to be followed by other commands. The training ought to start when they are puppies. It's the best time.

Save yourself a lot of time as a dog owner and train your dog to be obedient. It gets so much easier for both you and your dog when you have trained your dog´s obedience. Click here to learn more about training your dog.

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