So you have a dog which we all know is mans best friend right? Well maybe you are worried about your dog getting to aggressive and even biting someone or you have brought a new addition to the family home. But you don't want you friend to become aggressive. Well this should help I hope. I will be going into some facts about biting and then i will give you 8 steps to help prevent it from ever happening.
4.7 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from dog bites. Now that is alot but please this is the beginning don't let this discourage you. Against popular belief most dogs bite people they know and even the most reliable dog can bite under extreme circumstances.
There are ways to subdue aggressive behavior in dog, we can not prevent all dog bites unfortunately, it is in there nature.(remember dogs are descendants of wolves) Some dogs bite because the have a dominate mind set like being the leader of their pack. Others because of a fearful nature, this is called fear-aggressive, there are the other times when the bite because they are in pain or have been panicked. So with that being said why do they bite? Well there are some situations where the dog feels trapped or cornered which in turn will cause them to go on the defensive and start growling or bite. Your dog may also show signs of aggressive behavior if they are ill or injured. If you or a family member is bitten by your dog that is otherwise loyal and well behaved you should take them to the vet to see if her/she acted out from pain or discomfort.
If it did not then it should be trained because the sooner you deal with the problem the better.
Here are the 8 Steps that I find most useful in preventing your dog from biting.
- If your are buying a dog from a breeder you should first ask to see the mother and other offspring. The reason is to see if they are very shy, fearful,or naturally aggressive. If so do not get your dog from that mother.
- Spay or neuter your dog. Short and simple.
-Do not allow any nipping or biting while you are playing with him/her.
- When playing tug of war or any other "aggressive" game, You should be in control not the other way around. Teach your dog to drop the object on your command so that it knows it is just playing and you are in control.
- Very important is you should star socializing your puppy or dog instantly with all different types of people. Take them to a park or some sort of social event. (I take mine to tractor pulls)
- Train your dog to obey basic commands along with responding to you and listening when you call his or her name.
- Don't let your dog get possessive over their food or toys. Let them know that you are the one that feeds them, you can drop the occasional treat or food bits in their bowl at random to get this effect.
-Finally be cautious when bring your dog into new situations. Don't be overly protective or baby them but just keep a watch full eye out and pay attention to the body language.
Well just remember that dogs are related to wolves so sometimes it is in their nature to be aggressive but it an be helped and prevented. Alot of the prevention takes some training. I would not advise getting a personal trainer because they can be very expensive and there is really no need when you can do it yourself. You are probably saying I don't know the first thing about training a dog.
Well you are not alone and there is a program out there Called Sit Stay fetch that will give you all the tools needed to achieve your pet training goals. Along with the program on on the 7 free bonuses is a video on how to prevent Aggressive dog behavior. So this is very useful and a hundred times cheap than a trainer. Plus you get the chance to spend some good quality time with you friend and make an even stronger bond between you. That would not be the case really if someone else was training him or her for you. So check it out alot of good useful information. It is well worth it for you and your dog.
My Name is Harvi and I own two dogs, a corgi and border collie. Sit Stay Fetch is a training guide that will help with all your training and pet needs. With this you will get a Free Sit stay fetch 6 day course! Along with 6 other bonuses including a 7th for a limited time! Squidoo. |
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