Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Understanding Dog Commands and Get Your Dog to Listen to You

By Chad Thompson

Dog Commands - Get your dog to listen

Dog commands should begin to be taught as early as possible in a dog's life. You can begin teaching your dog commands as young as ten weeks of age. At this age they are intelligent enough to begin following basic obedience training. The longer you wait to train your dog, the harder you will be. Just as human children can learn a new language quicker than adults, so too can puppy dogs.

Some of the most basic commands to teach your dog include come, stay, down, drop and sit. The best ways to teach these dog commands is through positive reinforcement processes. This means giving your dog a treat or reward when she does something correct. Over time the dog learns to associate this behavior with a reward and will be more inclined to follow your commands. Dogs love to please humans so making it fun and enjoyable for her also makes your life easier.

Dog training should not drag on. You should do it regularly but for short periods. For example, training each day for just 10 minutes can gradually change your dog's behavior. In comparison, trying to spend 2 hours per week training your dog will only leave you frustrated. Dogs simply don't have the attention span or understanding to train for such long periods of time in most circumstances. Dogs will become bored easily, and so will you if things aren't going to plan. Keeping training sessions short and swift is the way to go.

"Sit" is probably the first and easiest command people teach a dog. Holding a treat in one hand where he can see it, continually say sit and point to the ground. When he sits, give him a treat. Most dogs will learn this very quickly. Make sire you practice it everyday for best results.

Come is another method that people like to teach their dog. This command is another easy one to teach. Just hold a treat in your hand and run away from the dog. He will start chasing you which is when you let him catch up and give him a treat. Make sure to praise him with a head pat too! The come command is handy when your dog is off a leash in a park or on the beach.

Continual and regular positive reinforcement training methods is the best way to teach dog commands that will stick for life.

Chad E. Thompson is the Founder of http://www.virtualdogtrainer.com and an active member of the International Association of Canine Professionals, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and the Human Society of the United States. Chad is a well established dog trainer and has more than 10 years of experience with dominant and aggressive dogs.

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