Is there anything cuter than keeping a little dog at home? Small dogs that can be carried around in your arms, can be sat on your lap, and are kept mainly for the purpose of companionship, are unsurprisingly called lapdogs. But not all breeds of small dogs were bred for pure human companionship. Terriers for example have a lot of energy because they were bred for hunting and tracking down game deep underground. In fact a lot of them retain a lot of the instincts that made them effective for centuries at what they do. So if you don't have the energy to match them, perhaps other more laid back breeds are better suited for you!
Owning a small dog breed has many advantages. For one they're some of the cutest and most adorable dogs around! Who can resist those cute puppy dog eyes especially if they come from something that's so tiny and vulnerable? Most of these dogs like the Shih Tzu and the Maltese have faces that are absolutely lovable. Plus the size of these dogs makes them amazing with children, even some of the youngest. With smaller dog breeds you don't have much of a problem when it comes to the fear of their knocking little children over or accidentally hurting or suffocating them because of their bulk. With smaller dogs, the fun just goes on and on!
Another advantage is that they don't take up a lot of space in your house. A lot of small dogs also don't have the same exercise requirements as their larger, sportier counterparts. So even people in the most cramped apartments can own loyal and loving pets if the building's owners allow it. Plus though small dogs shed, it's hardly as troublesome as the shedding of most larger breeds, so they're much easier to maintain in that way. And a lot of them actually like the idea of being dressed up as pretty as possible. More fun for you!
If you'd like more information and ideas on how to care for a small dog breed just visit: - Bring home a bundle of joy today! |
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