Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Puppy Testing When, Why, and How? Part 5 of Online Dog Training

By Tracy Lenderink

Puppy testing when do you do it, why, and how? These are common questions that people ask. I'm going to answer them for you in this next part of online dog training.

Puppy testing is done when the puppies are 49 days old. Part of the testing is to look at the pup's physical structure. At that age what you see is how the puppy will look when it grows up, provided you feed a good diet and proper exercise. If the legs are crooked or the hind-quarters look weak, they will not grow out of it.

Puppy testing will tell you how the puppy is in temperament as far as:

  • Social Attraction - the pup's attraction to people, pup's confidence or dependence.
  • Following - shows the pup's willingness to follow a person.
  • Restraint - shows the pups degree of dominance or submissive tendency, and how easy or hard it will be to handle in difficult situations.
  • Social Dominance - is the degree of the pup's acceptance of social dominance by a person.
  • Elevation - shows the pup's willingness to accept dominance while in a position of no control like bathing or grooming.
  • Retrieving - will tell you the willingness of the pup to do something for you.
  • Touch Sensitivity - will show the pups sensitivity to touch and will be a key indicator to the type of training equipment you will need to use.
  • Sound Sensitivity - will show how sensitive the pup is to sound, such as loud noises and thunderstorms.
  • Sight Sensitivity - will show the pup's response to a moving object so you will know if the pup will chase cars, children, or other animals.
  • Stability - will show the pups degree of startle response to a strange object.

Get the right puppy and the easiest puppy to train for you by puppy testing. To get your free copy of Puppy Testing PDF with test and instructions go to http://www.SimpleDogTrainingSecrets.com/puppy.html

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit." Learn more about Tracy at http://www.simpledogtrainingsecrets.com

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