Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Stop Your Dog From Begging at the Table

By Denise Mahaffey

It's something just about every dog owner has faced when the family sits down to enjoy a meal.

A hearty pant, a cold stare and a whimper from the dog. Rover isn't asking for attention. Rover is begging for food. How does a pet owner stop that annoying behavior? Dog trainer Rick Bell says, "The best way to prevent your little panhandler from shameless begging is to not let him get started."

But if your dog has already begun the begging habit, don't fret. Bell says it is relatively easy to make him stop and he says it can be done in five easy steps.

Bell says, "First, feed your dog on a regular schedule rather than have your dog "graze" from a continuously, filled bowl. Second, feed your dog in the same place each meal, far from the dinner table.

Third, don't let your dog in the kitchen while cooking, nor in the dining area when eating. Fourth, don't feed your dog table scraps or "people" snacks. Make sure he or she always receives a well balanced meal for dogs. And finally, use a noise-maker, like a shake-can or spray-bottle of water to "shoo" the dog from a restricted area or correct it out of the begging position."

Bell goes on to say that pet owners need to be resolute and strong in laying down the law, "Because your dog will use all of its charm and dimpled cuteness to break you down and get what they want, and that is: FOOD, NOW!"

Denise Mahaffey is the Founder of Malama Marketing, President of and is also the proud owner of the laziest chocolate lab in the world, Koa.

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