Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Food You Should Never Feed Your Dog

By April Toche

There are many foods that we eat that we should never feed our dogs. Some are obvious, and most are things most people would never think would harm their dog. This list will tell you some of them.

1. Onions and garlic- Can damage red blood cells because they contain sulfoxides and disulfides.Can also cause anemia.

2. Persimmons- May cause enteritis and intestinal obstruction.

3. Peach and plum pits- Can cause digestive tract obstruction.

4. Raw fish- May cause loss of appetite, seizures, and may cause death if fed regularly, because raw fish causes a thiamine deficiency.

5. Sugary foods- May cause Diabetes Mellitus, dental problems, and obesity.

6. Table scraps- Never feed in large amounts. Bones should never be fed, and fat should be trimmed from meat and fed sparingly.

7. String- May become trapped in the digestive system causing it to have to be removed.

8. Salt- If fed in large quantities, can cause an electrolyte imbalance.

9. Yeast dough- Can cause pain and rupturing in the digestive system.

10. Tobacco- May result in rapid heartbeat, collapse, coma, and death, because tobacco contains nicotine.

11. Raw eggs- Raw eggs may contain Salmonella. They also contain an enzyme known as avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin.

12.Mushrooms - May contain toxins, which can affect several organ systems, cause shock and even death.

13. Hops- Causes panting, fever, elevated heart rate, seizure and possibly death because of an unknown compound.

14. Spoiled food or garbage- Can contain many toxins which may cause diarrhea and vomiting.

15. Dairy products- Can result in diarrhea because adult dogs and cats do not have enough of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. There is lactose-free products available for pets.

16. Liver- If fed in large amounts, can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones.

17. Macadamia nuts- They contain an unknown toxin, and can affect the nervous system, muscles, and digestive system.

18. Vitamin supplements for people- Supplements that contain iron can cause damage to many organs and harm the lining of the digestive system.

19. Raisins and grapes- May damage the kidneys because of an unknown toxin.

20. Baby food- May contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs.

21. Alcoholic drinks- Can cause coma, death, and intoxication.

22. Bones from fish, poultry, and other meats- Can cause laceration and blockage of the digestive system.

23. Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine containing products- Contains theobromine, theophylline ,and caffeine, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous system.

24. Cat food- Usually contains too much protein and fats for dogs.

25. Citrus oil- May cause vomiting.

26. Fat trimmings- May cause pancreatitis.

If this list helped you, and you would like to know about healthy foods that are free of toxins to feed your dog, then check out: (

April L. Toche

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