Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Control Your Aggressive Dog Around Your Family and Literally Save a Life - Find Out How!

By James Mitchell

Having to cope with a beloved dog that is aggressive towards your family members is a tough ordeal to endure. On one hand, you have your dog - practically a member of your family. On the other hand, you have your "human" family, whom you swore to never endanger for any reason whatsoever. Unfortunately, this dilemma often culminates in a troubled dog having to be put down. However, there are ways to identify and successfully cure your dog's aggressive behavior, if you a willing to put forth the effort and steadfastness necessary.

Remember, your dog is looking to you for instruction and understanding. Your dog's brain has been naturally embedded with aggressive behavior traits. You are not only teaching your dog right from wrong, but reprogramming natural hard-wiring. Therefore, you must initially identify the root of this behavior and focus on your dog's perception of things.

There are two(2) main reasons why your dog is acting aggressively towards your family members:

1) Just like natural territoriality, your dog has laid claim to you. In this order, your dog actually feels like they are protecting something of theirs from outsiders(your family). All dogs are naturally protective of what they consider "theirs". This could be food, an old towel, a bone, and in many cases, you.

2) Your dog is very uncomfortable with the treatment from you and your family, or they are heavily stressed by the environment around them. (Bad treatment or a hectic, unstable environment often results in defensive, dangerous behavior from your dog). Dogs run in packs. They are used to a stable, structured environment. A dominance-hierarchy exists and this often transcends into a dog-owners home. Resulting behavior can include acts of aggression towards your family members, unfortunately. This behavior is more apparent, when the surrounding environment is unstable. So, what can you do to eliminate aggressive behavior from your dog and make your family safer?

1) Start studying the psychology of your dog closely. Try to understand what message your dog is trying to get across with their aggressive behavior towards your family.

2) Implement frequent, consistent, obedience training sessions. Try to do this a few times each day. Short intense 15-minute sessions throughout the day will work wonders. Do not let this regimen lapse! You've seen the other side of inactivity already.

3) Don't be afraid to try a dog-training system or enlist the help of an obedience school. Obedience schools are definitely the most expensive option, but they are also the most effective means to eliminating aggressive behavior in your dog. A close second, and a much cheaper option, is one of literally hundreds of dog training guides, manuals, and courses available online. Just do a search at Yahoo or Google.

(Hint: Try to do a more-specific online search for dog training help. This way, you filter away certain resources that are too broad and simply waste your research time and efforts. For example: Aggressive dog, dog training mistakes, Labrador training guide, dog chewing problems, etc.)

With a LOT of consistency, effort, and patience, you will begin to notice a dramatic change in your dog's behavior. They will become more relaxed and comfortable around your family members and stop showing possession over you with others.

For more information on effectively eliminating aggressive behavior in your dog, as well as a great deal of detailed information about proper dog training and avoiding common mistakes that can hinder your dog's progress, Click Here

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