Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3 Tips on Dog Behavior Help

By Danny Orsen

Dogs can be either man's best friend, or their worst enemy. While many dogs are well-trained, some just can't seem to ditch their aggressive instincts and behave correctly. Below are the 3 tips that will you will need to know if you want dog behavior help.

1. Dogs don't speak to you.
Just because you talk to your dog, doesn't mean that he or she can talk back. Usually bad behavior is seen because the dog is trying to tell you something. Perhaps it needs a bathroom break. Do you take your dog for a walk before going to work? Many times, dogs behave badly when you are not home, and that is generally a sign that it wants something, but can't get it. If you are finding your house torn to bits, try putting in a doggy door so it can go outside and run around there. You'll find that the best dog behavior help you can get is just to let the dog run free outside while you are not home.

2. Dogs are slow learners.
When you try and train your dog to do new things, it is a slow process. Teaching your dog to stand near the backdoor to wait for you to let it out for a bathroom break will take a bit of time to do. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for the dog to adjust to the new habit(s). Be patient, but firm. If the dog does something bad, scold it, but understand that it takes time to learn things. The best way to fix a dogs behavior is slowly. Do the same thing once a day for a week or two, so it can get into the routine. Think Pavlov's dog with the bell and the salivation.

3. Dogs need love
Dogs are very friendly animals, and sometimes just get lonely. It's been done successfully where a family will leave the house and keep the television on Animal Planet, so that the dog will not feel alone. See if you can't find a dog sitter or come home for your lunch break and take him or her for a walk. Many of times the best dog behavior help comes in the form of attention and affection. Just be careful not to reward bad behavior.

Does your dog still wreck the house when you are gone, or behave aggressively? Can you afford to put up with a bad dog? Dogs need to be taught over time how to behave. Check out the FREE Dog Behavior Help eCourse and learn how to teach your dog to behave the right way.

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