Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Boxer Puppy Training - Let the Games Begin!

By Lisa Gold

There's nothing cuter than a Boxer puppy, is there? But when it comes time to train her, well, there's nothing so cute about that. Although dog personalities may vary, here are a few things to keep in mind with your Boxer puppy training:

1. Don't let that cute face trick you into letting her do anything she wants whenever she wants. She really does need to be trained for her own good and the very best time is when she is a puppy.

2. Boxer puppies and very young children don't go together. Boxers make great companions for kids, but not when both are really young. Keep small children away from your puppy if you are not able to directly supervise the encounter. Again, Boxers are known for being family dogs so keep this in mind.

3. Boxer pups are full of energy and very playful. It might wear you out to play with her and keep her exercised, but it's good for both of you. Not only is it good for your health, you will keep her from getting bored. A bored puppy can get into all sorts of trouble. She might start pulling on that string at the edge of your rug, test taste the door trim, or find an unsuitable new "toy" to chew on.

4. Even though your Boxer puppy may be a bit "hyperactive", she is smart and trainable. Again, don't be fooled by her constant activity. Try exercising her to wear her out a little before your training sessions.

5. Boxer pups can grow up to be stubborn Boxer dogs if they've not had training. You have to establish yourself as the alpha dog early on to overcome their tendency to be stubborn. Think "firm but friendly" with your training and always remember who's in charge. Sometimes your clever Boxer can make you forget!

6. Socialize your puppy from an early age and don't stop. You should keep her around other dogs and with people so that her needs for socialization are met. This can head off shyness or aggressiveness. Boxers do make good guard dogs though, and can be trained to protect you and your property.

7. Your Boxer puppy is sensitive to the heat and cold so make sure her needs are met. Don't even think about trying to train your pup while she is shivering in the snow and cold, or when she's overheated and won't come out from under the shade tree.

Need more tips? Want an expert in your corner? Make your Boxer puppy training easy on both of you by visiting

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