Crate Training For your Dog Is a good way to protect your pet. It provide her with a safe place whenever it is needed. This is not a cruel thing for your dog. It is actually a good and kind thing. Read on and you will learn how to Crate Train Your Dog Properly.
1. Some People view a dog crate as some kind of jail or something. They could not be further from the truth. Your dog won't think of it as a jail. Rather the dog will look at it as her own domain, sort of like a cave. In fact Crate Training is a great way to settle down a dog that is insecure.
2. When puppies are small they have a very weak bladder causing frequent urination. Be sure to take the dog out to relieve herself. Praise your dog when you take her outside to relieve herself so that she can know that this is a good thing to do. Dogs do not like soiling their sleeping quarters so they won't want to use the bathroom in their crates, so this will cause your dog to learn how to hold their urine, thus they develop control.
3. As soon as you get your puppy, introduce the crate to her. Toss doggy treats and toys inside the crate to encourage entry. Make certain that it is nice and cozy inside the crate by placing a pad or cushion. That will also be useful in case of early accidents. Do Not Keep The Door close until she feels comfortable inside. Serve Some meals inside the crate as well. Pretty soon she will consider it her domain.
4. Do Not Use The Crate as A source of punishment by No Means. All association that you connect the crate with your dog must be pleasant and positive. Now if you need your dog to stay in there for a while for whatever reason, she will because it will be considered by her as a cozy place.
Learning how to crate train your dog can bring lasting benefits to both you and your dog. Whether you need to travel with your dog, take her to the veterinarian, find a safe place to keep her for a time period, or whatever, it's a good idea to train her for this.
For More Training Tips That Can Be Very Useful for both you and your puppy, Click Here To See How You Can Properly Train Your Dog. |
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