Tuesday, October 28, 2008

4 Top Tips on How to Stop Your Dog From Begging at the Table

By Rex Krisinsky

Picture this: You're sitting down to a lovely dinner. You take your cutlery in your hands, and you're just about to dig into your roast beef when you find yourself distracted by large, soft, puppy-dog eyes gazing up at you. Sounds familiar? It should. This scenario is as common as stretchy pants in Atlantic City. More often that not, dog owners are likely to succumb to their dog's erstwhile charms, paving the way for one of the most difficult dog habits to break - begging at the table. If you want to know how to stop your dog from begging at the table, you need persistence, resolve, and nerves of steel to resist those heartbreakingly sad, sad eyes. Here are a few tips on how to stop your dog from begging at the table:

Tip # 1 - What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

The best way on how to stop your dog from begging at the table is by nipping the problem at the bud. This is to say that you should not start him on table food at all. Your dog won't know what he's missing, and you won't have to know how to stop your dog from begging at the table.

Tip # 2 - Let him know his place.

Dogs are very particular about social rank. If you want to know how to stop your dog from begging at the table, he has to know that he's at the bottom of the social ladder. Keep to a feeding schedule, but make sure that he only eats after the family has eaten. If he so much as gets a crumb from the table, he'll assume that he's moving up in status, and may become more aggressive - that's not how to stop your dog from begging at the table.

Tip # 3 - Learn the power of commands.

The commands "sit" and "stay" are very effective when learning how to stop your dog from begging at the table. After the family has finished eating, reward him with praises or treats for behaving himself.

Tip # 4 - Get him out of there.

If you're wondering how to stop your dog from begging at the table when he's already made a habit of it, you'll need to take drastic action. He might get aggressive, so let him stay in another room or outdoors while the family is eating. Do not let him watch you because it'll only frustrate him further - not good when you want to know how to stop your dog from begging at the table. Once the family has finished, you can then allow him to enter the room and give him his food.

No matter how cute he is, or how aggressive he gets, there's absolutely no reason to give in to his demands. And that, dear friends, is how to stop your dog from begging at the table right.

Don't just stop there. You can put an end to ALL your dog's bad behavior problems. Just visit http://www.Dog-Training-Works.com for a great step-by-step program that ends your dog's bad behavior habits immediately. It's required reading for any serious dog owner. You can check it out right now by CLICKING HERE.

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