If you are like me, you probably never have thought about urinary problems in dogs until it happens to your furry best friend. Even then, you poor pup can suffer a lot of discomfort and pain before his/her human companions figure out there is a serious health issue. For many animal lovers, it may be difficult to know your dog is sick until she experiences canine urinary incontinence.
At this point, you have figured out there is a problem. But, you may mistakenly attribute it to bad behavior. While it may be possible for your pooch to have emotional challenges, the odds are she is experience common urinary problems in dogs. So, before you get mad and banish her to the back yard for the rest of her natural life, the symptoms suggest a trip to the vet might be in order first.
Unfortunately, an infection is only one aspect of urinary problems in dogs. Because infection spreads quickly, your furry friend can also have kidney troubles and other diseases. Sadly, dogs can also suffer from health issues like cancer. So, it is important to seek medical advice promptly, if your dog is showing any of the following symptoms:
- Painful or difficult urination
- Increased frequency of urination
- Increased volume of urination
- Excessive thirst
- Pus in the urine
- Blood in the urine
- Crystals in the urine
- Lower back pain
The odds are it is only a canine urinary tract infection. Even so, your pal will not get better without the help of some strong antibiotics. However, it will only take a day or two before the medicine starts to work, and your dog is acting like her adorable self again.
Now, you know what to look for, if you suspect urinary problems in dogs. But, the best idea is to be proactive and do everything you can to prevent canine urinary incontinence or any other painful symptoms for your pooch. Begin with 3 simple steps to help your dog stay healthy and happy:
- Fresh water
- Frequent potty breaks
- Faithful Walks
If you ever looked at stale water under a microscope, you would have no problem providing your pets with fresh drinking water at least a couple of times a day. Crumbs and germs can make the water pretty nasty. Unfortunately, unclean liquids still have to go through the system and ultimately result in urinary problems in dogs.
In addition, many dogs spend the entire day home alone. Although they are normally able to hold their bladder for 8-10 hours, it does not mean that is an okay practice. Unless the bladder is emptied frequently, infection and germs have a great source for growth. Conversely, if given frequent opportunity to go potty, the urine will be gone and not be ammunition for encouraging urinary problems in dogs.
Finally, your dog is ever so faithful to you. Return the favor and faithfully make sure your canine companion gets to go for walks at least twice a day. The exercise is good for overall health and natural behavior will make sure the bladder is completely empty. It will be good quality time together, and make your pooch happy in the process.
Make no mistake about it. Urinary problems in dogs are nothing to fool around with or ignore. Now that you know the symptoms, do not delay if you suspect your pooch may be sick. A small health issue can turn into a big health problem rather quickly. But, take heart! You now have 3 simple ways to help prevent a recurrence in the future. You and your pet deserve many happy and healthy years together.
Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University. For more information and help concerning canine urinary problems in dogs, please visit http://www.pet-bladder-treatment.com |
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