Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stop Dogs Jumping on Counters

By Rex Krisinsky

Kids eating on the counter? No big deal. They do that regularly. Your dog jumping on counters? Now that's an entirely different story.

If you have a dog jumping on counters, don't just sit there and gape. Do something! A dog jumping on counters is an accident waiting to happen. You wouldn't eat foil covers, a popcorn bag, cellophane, or a polident tablet but your dog would. Once your dog gets its paws on the countertop, not only would he mess things up, he might give himself food poisoning, too.

Put an end to your dog's counter cruising. The following strategies might help.

1. Track your dog and identify which counter he is jumping on. A dog jumping on counters always gives himself away with - you guessed it - paw prints, dog hair, or both.

2. Remove all the things on your counters that are tempting to your dog. Often, dog jumping on counters is motivated by food so keep all things edible and tasty inside air-tight containers.

3. Dog-proof your counters. Make them less welcoming to your hound. Here's how.

  • Line the counter with tinfoil. Once your dog lands on the foil, he will be startled. The noise will make him think twice before jumping up there again.

  • Fill several shallow pans with water. Put them on the counter areas where your dog is most likely to jump. This will put an end to dog jumping on counters because once your dog gets wet, he will have learned an important lesson: like crime, counter cruising doesn't go unpunished.

  • Line the counter with snappy trainers. These are devices with large rubber bases and a snapping mechanism. A snappy trainer is to a dog what a mousetrap is to a mouse. It will give your dog an epiphany.

Dog jumping on counters might be a difficult habit to break but with your help, you can teach your dog to stop giving the countertop slobber love.

If you want to know the EXACT step-by-step forumula for ending your dogs bad behavior habits, you NEED to check out the Dog Training Program on http://www.Dog-Training-Works.com. It's a proven program for stopping dog obedience problems immediately. Check it out right now by CLICKING HERE.

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