Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lab Puppy Training - What You Need to Know

By Lisa Gold

Lab puppies can grow up to be such wonderful dogs, but there are a few things you need to know about Lab puppy training. You've made an excellent choice in breeds - Labs are smart, loyal, fun, and make a great best friend; now find out what you need to know about training him.

You have many things in your favor when it's time to train your little guy. Lab puppies are not nearly as excitable as puppies of some of the other breeds and in my opinion that makes them much easier to train. Yes, young Labs need plenty of attention and exercise, but they have lots of calm moments when you can work on the training.

I think Labrador puppy training is not as hard because labs are smart and "get it" a lot sooner than some other dogs. This observation is based on my experience as an owner of different breeds and as a pet sitter. Potty training is easier and they pick up on simple commands like sit, stay, and come rather quickly. Plus, with a name like Labrador retriever, you can imagine how many games of fetch you will play in your dog's lifetime.

Labrador puppy training needs to start early and be consistent. Depending on your own puppy, you can start him at around 4 to 6 months old. Remember his attention span is not real long at this age and he will tire easily. Keep the lessons short and stop before he gets off track.

Also keep in mind that you need to constantly reinforce what you've taught him by going over and over the commands. It's amazing how quickly a dog can forget a simple command like "sit" if you let him. Just because you taught him that one first, don't assume he'll remember it if you don't use it often.

Labs like their training because they enjoy having something to do and having something that challenges them. They also like to please you and it's a wonderful bonding experience. You're actually doing him a great favor by training him.

Keep in mind that Labrador puppy training is essential to keeping him safe and others around him safe. Lab pups are big and can be like loose cannons as they grow into their huge paws. If he's not properly trained he can cause problems for others when he jumps on them, especially small children. You also want him to come when called to head off any potential problems - like running out into a busy street.

Do you want to train your lab puppy correctly from the start so you don't have problems later? For a quick and easy guide on Lab puppy training, go to the best...

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