Canine yeast infection is the condition caused by yeast overgrowth in dogs. Cases of the infection are many and man and his best friend have not been able to escape a common enemy called candida. The full name of yeast is candida albicans. In canines there are several other strains of yeast that cause infections. Infections are caused when yeast overgrows and the growth in canines is facilitated by several factors which include the following. A dog which has a very poor mechanism of fighting infections or low immunity will be susceptible to infections. The yeast will easily colonize its system and it will affected.
Canine yeast infection occurs when the dog has been on antibiotics to treat a certain ailments or condition. Just like in humans, the drugs will get rid of the good bacteria and the body of a canine is left without any protection. Infection by yeast in dogs is called malessezia dermatitis and there are several ways you can conduct a diagnosis. The methods include impression smear, scotch tape sampling, skin scraping with blade, cotton swab and skin biopsy. All these tests will ensure that you know what condition your dog has. When you have established this, you can then administer the necessary medication.
Canine yeast infection comes with several symptoms that you can look out for in your dog. Yeast infections are usually smelly. You will notice a certain odor in your dog that is unusual and you can be sure that the odor is quite unpleasant. If you notice this, together with constant itching, you will be most sure that you have a yeast infection puzzle. The next thing you need to look out for is a lesion on the skin and they might affect the whole body. The skin might resemble that of an elephant skin. Therefore, with all these symptoms, it is hard to miss the condition in your dog.
For more tests to be conducted, you need to seek medical help for your canine. The health professional will even give you future tips that can follow to ensure you protect your dog. Some of the tips that will ensure that your dog stays healthy include feeding the dog well with essential nutrients that will be laid out by the professional, the other thing you must ensure is good hygiene which will not only help your canine friend stay yeast free but will also ensure they stay comfortable. You can also see how you can use anti fungal medication if the dog is undergoing antibiotic treatment.
Canine yeast infections are easy to eradicate and with the medications available, you do not have to let your dog suffer. Make sure you keep the dog dry when possible and you can also get to read more about this on the internet. There is no doubt that your dog will even be happier and you will only be pleased to enjoy happy times with your dog. Make sure you follow through with every treatment plan that you are given. If you find that a particular medication is not working, inform your pet physician for a better prescription.
Peter Gitundu is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Yeast Infection for Years. For More Information on Canine Yeast Infection, Visit His Site at CANINE YEAST INFECTION You Can Also Post Pour Views About Canine Yeast Infection On My Blog Here CANINE YEAST INFECTION. |
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