Sunday, July 27, 2008

Take Your Dog to Work Day

By Beverly Maniago

The Take Your Dog to Work Day is an annual event that started in 1999. It was a way of celebrating the contribution of dogs to our lives, as well as to push the cause of dog adoption and humane activities for them.

What is Take Your Dog to Work Day?

On this day, everyone in the workplace is welcome and encouraged to bring their beloved dogs to work. They can come up with a program where employees can introduce their pets to others, as well as games and activities where all can just have fun. You can expect lots of food, laughter, treats, and prizes at the end of the day. The event can be celebrated the entire day or for a specific number of hours, even over the lunch break.

What are the benefits you can expect from participating?

There are actually a numerous benefits. For one, you can allow your dog to socialize with the other breeds. You may not know what the pooches are saying to each other, but from the smiling face of your pet, you will easily see that he's having a good time. Owners, on the other hand, can share tips and techniques on how to take care of their breeds.

It's also the best time to show off the newest and trendiest dog clothes you have. Whether he's in a tuxedo, polo shirt, hood, or sleeveless tee, you know that he's going to catch a lot of attention from pet owners-and other dogs too. You can even let him perform some tricks, which will surely bring the house down, and might just help with that promotion!

This will also give you an idea just how lucky you are to be working in a company that shows great love and concern for animals. On the average, there's only 1 in every 5 companies that actually allow their workers to bring pets in the office. Moreover, you can show to the whole world your advocacy against animal crime and for protection of their rights. It's just small, but it still matters.

How can you prepare for the event?

1. Make sure that your dog will be well groomed. This is his time to shine, so don't fail him. Check if his clothes fit and are ideal for the event. You also have to ensure that he has taken a bath and has removed those loose hairs. If you can afford it, take him to the spa at least 24 hours before the event. Most of all, get him vaccinated.

2. Bring some treats and food to share with other pet owners and their dogs. It would definitely be a party extravaganza if everyone chipped in and brought either a plate of food or treats to share.

3. Don't forget the leash and the toy. If your boss has allowed a whole-day affair, there's a very good chance that you'll still be expected to do some work. As a result, you may not be able to give your full attention to your pet. A leash will help you control his movements, while the toy will keep him occupied the entire day.

It's dog fashion day too during the Take Your Dog to Work event. Thus, make sure that he's donning the best dog clothing, something to impress your boss and colleagues!

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