Sunday, July 27, 2008

Preparing For Your Puppy

By Beverly Maniago

Bringing a brand-new puppy into your home is like taking home your new baby. There are a lot of things that you need to prepare, and everyone in the household definitely needs to adjust to the new addition to the family. The only difference is that by this time the puppy has already grown accustomed to his old environment or even to his mom. He may be finding it hard to adjust to a new habitat.

Nevertheless, when you're totally prepared for his arrival-knowing what to do and what to expect-the adjustment period will be a lot shorter. Soon all of you can live harmoniously with one another.

Essential Things for Your Puppy

Even before the pup arrives, make sure that all the essential items are already prepared:

1. Dog harness. You can buy a dog collar or a leash, but a dog harness is always the most ideal choice if you want to save your dog from suffering neck injuries. Normally, when they're young, their necks and heads are very sensitive and prone to getting hurt, especially when they try to walk away from you while still on the leash. The harness will distribute the puppy's weight across his shoulders, removing the pressure from his neck. Make sure, too, that the harness is made of comfortable soft materials, and that you can adjust the chest belt easily to give room for your dog's growth.

2. Grooming tools. It's more than just looking good. You want your dog to feel clean and fresh at all times, so he doesn't invite fleas and other insects into his fur.

3. Clothes and accessories. Don't allow your new puppy to run around the house naked. Keep in mind that their immune system is still developing, and thus they are prone to catching diseases especially when the weather turns cold. You can prepare a range of hoodies, T-shirts, and perhaps a cap or beret to match the outfits.

4. Name tag. Expect your puppy to get lost once in a while in the neighborhood, considering that the neighbor's yard looks so inviting and worth exploring. A name tag will save you time and energy looking for him. You can just have someone engrave his name clearly on the silver plate. If you want to go hi-tech, you can have a microchip implanted into his body, so you can always track him down.

5. Bowls and dog food. There are several dog dishes and bowls that you can choose from, but when it comes to dog food, go for those that are rich in iron and other essential nutrients for a growing puppy.

You also need to educate your family members and friends on how to handle the new puppy, so he doesn't get stressed right away.

Are you thinking of bringing in a new puppy? Make sure that you have a suitable dog harness for your tiny little friend, and the other required dog accessories ready.

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