Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fleas - Good Bye

By Dr. Elliott Harvey

Spring - the rebirth of long dormant vibrant colors, the aromatic smell of flowers, the call of the blue jay, lush vegetables on the vine. With all the beauty - the stress free atmosphere, the nasty flea is waiting to strike your pet.

The blood sucking, irritating little parasite can cause itchiness, redness loss of hair, flea allergy dermatitis (caused by hypersensitivity to flea saliva) and misery for your pet. The flea springs to life in the spring and summer.

There are upwards of 2000 species of fleas, some species can live for weeks or months on a host.
Fleas are attracted to hosts by factors such as: smell, body temperature, air currents, lack of illumination. Fleas can also cause tapeworm in dogs- ingesting fleas with an immature tapeworm inside.

Flea problems affect a great many animals.

How can we combat those nasty parasites?

First: Do not use a chemical laden flea collar- some contain poisons to kill the flea while a side effect- the poison can seep into your animal's blood stream.

Helpful ideas:
a- On a regular collar add a few drops of essential oils of bergamot, cedarwood and lemongrass. Re-apply the oils every 7 to 10 days during flea season.
b- Tombstone Organic Flea Spray from
Great Life Performance Pet Products
c- Combination of Aloe Vera juice and natural borates mixed in a spray bottle.
d- In the house use the leaves of Black Walnut around furniture
e- Mint in the dogs bed
f- Healthy Immune System

For additional Information:

Dr. Elliott is one of the leading natural pet healers in the US. he has formulated products for the Queen of England's dogs and horses. Author of the best selling natural healing book-"The Healthy Wholistic Dog" and writes articles for a major pet insurance company. Dr. Elliott is a well known lecturer and has taught pet nutrition at University. Creator of Great Life Performance Pet Products, he has been involved in natural pet healing since 1994. Dr. Elliott has been written about in major newspapers and magazines for his creative formulations and products that work! Go to for additional information.

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