Sunday, July 27, 2008

Basic Guidelines on Yorkshire Terrier Litter Box Training

By Susan Bailey

Yorkshire Terrier litter box training is an effective way to maintain a clean house, while keeping your Yorkshire Terrier really happy. In practice, male Yorkshire Terriers are identified with their poor habit of making spots every here and there, so you must help him to mark a particular spot every time with an effective training program. In fact, Yorkshire Terrier training is an excellent mode to refrain your dog from doing it over every vertical object he comes across.

Yorkshire Terrier litter box training is really effective for the owners who are old or handicapped or for those who stay in public housing or work at home all day long. Training not only helps the owners, but also for the dogs since they come to understand the perfect time and place for elimination. Since the dog is really very intelligent, some of the dogs feel embarrassed and shy away if they feel they have done mistake doing their elimination in the wrong place. They in fact feel comfortable by using their designated area.

When your Yorkie is a puppy, nonetheless to say, it is the ideal time to implement Yorkshire Terrier litter box training. You can start your training lessons with a box, some litter and cleaning supplies. A bigger sized cat litter box is appreciated since it can be customized as necessary, such as with the removal of the top surface. This helps the dog to obtain more comfort when using it. Always discourage your Yorkie promptly if you find him eliminating in other areas than his designated area. Generally, the dog understands the verbal discouragement very nicely.

However, removal of litter is not at all an enjoyable task, but you have to do it as the part of the Yorkshire Terrier training, since you simply don't have any other choice. Use clumping litter to avoid completely dumping the box frequently. You can scoop out the clumps every day and only have to completely replace the litter once or twice per week. Keeping this area clean is imperative to encourage your Yorkie to continue using the box.

Praising the dog for eliminating in the designated place, which is in the litter box, is crucially important for the effectiveness of the training. You can use words like "Good Boy!" when you find him using the litter box correctly. Your behavior and command to your dog should be very consistent in nature; otherwise the dog may become utterly confused. This may lead to excessive consumption of training time than actually needed. Discouraging the dog from using places other than the litter box, encouraging the dog for using the litter box and keeping the box clean and in the same location are three important cornerstones of this training.

You must maintain a placid and assured commanding voice, however, not harsh or coarse. If you do this they will be more responsive to your commands, their full desire to make you happy. The training may last for eight to ten weeks. After that, the dog will become accustomed to the litter box activity and use it without any external monitoring. So, you will have successfully finished the training for your dog.

A particular lover of dogs, Susan Bailey prefers to share years experiences in breeding, keeping and caring dogs. Yorkshire Terrier training is very essential for the healthy behavior of the Yorkshire Terriers. If you are interested to know about Yorkshire Terrier litter box training, you can consider this article as a miniature form of dog training books

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