Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2nd Hand Dogs Problems and How to Fix Them

By Tracy Lenderink

2nd Hand Dogs just how do they come about? Have you ever given this any thought?

Puppies are so cute when they are little. But now that they are bigger, not as cute, and are starting to develop some not so welcomed behaviors like chewing shoes, or the end table, soiling all over the house, and bark all of the time. They are quickly on their way to becoming a 2nd hand dog.

What about jumping up on you, you tell him "No", push him down, but he insist on repeating this behavior. He steals things and chews on them. Then when you try to take it away from him the game of chase begins. He doesn't listen to you, but somehow you always seem to be responding to him. But you really want to give this 2nd hand dog a chance.

Show leadership by not respond to the dog, but make him earn your attention and his rewards. If possible ignore his bad behavior like jumping up. Move away from him and don't say anything to him. This is showing dominance and if he doesn't get attention for what he is doing he will stop.

When he does stop, acknowledge him and praise him. Only pet him if he put his butt on the floor in the "sit" position without being asked for it. Jumping up can be stopped in minutes. Now he's a better 2nd hand dog!

Repeated behavior becomes learned. Behaviors that get attention even if it's negative attention are usually being reinforced. So if you are correcting the dog but you don't see the behavior going away then you are just reinforcing the behavior, because to the dog it isn't objectionable, just attention.

How do you stop the chasing game when he steals something that you don't want him to have? Keep the dog on leash in the house. He shouldn't have the run of the house anyway! Pin it to you so you can keep an eye on him, but have your hands free.

You have three seconds or less, and less is best, to praise or correct your dog. Always be prepared have treats in your pocket or a favorite toy. When he takes something before you can stop him, stay calm. Act as if nothing has happened. Offer the dog a treat or toy, as he drops the item for the treat praise him and give him the reward. Now that you know he will drop the item for a treat give a command, "Drop" and reward him for dropping the item with praise and the treat.

Now teach him a "Leave It" command, which means don't touch and to look away from the item. Start this on leash and with a food treat. Drop the treat on the floor and say "Leave It".

Be ready to stop him with the leash from getting the treat. Don't say anything to him. Give a little pop on the leash and release the pressure slightly. If he doesn't look up at you, make a kissing sound. When he looks at you praise him "Good Leave It" and let him have the treat. When he understands you can transfer this to any item, person, or animal. Soon he won't bother anything when you say "Leave It". Now he is even a better 2nd hand dog!

To discover more about fixing 2nd Hand Dogs, the secrets of communicating with your dog and learning how to be his leader, receive Tracy Lenderink's FREE Ebook "Discover The Simple Dog Training Secrets Of A Pro" - Go to: Attend Tracy's exciting FREE Teleseminar/Webinars with her and other Dog Experts.

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit."

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