Sunday, July 27, 2008

When Your Dog Behavior Problem is Digging

By Kelly Richmondson

Out of the many possible behavior issues you are facing with your dog, digging can be a difficult one to handle. You will need to really pay attention to your dog when your dog behavior problem is digging, because there are many different causes for him to be destroying your yard.

Observe your dog to see if you can figure out why he is digging. One reason, and a very common one at that, is boredom. Plain and simple, he just wants something to do. Dogs don't need all of your attention, but they need an adequate amount to avoid becoming bored.

Do you think your dog is trying to dig his way out of the yard to escape? Stress can be a factor so if you have a doghouse that is comfortable and is adequate for the climate, than that can become a safe retreat for him. Getting advise from a professional dog trainer is advisable if you can't stop him from digging, because one day he could dig his way out and end up on a busy street, or disappear forever.

There are a couple of dog breeds that come to mind, that just love to dig. The terrier and the husky. There are other breeds, but these two are infamous for digging. The most important step to take if you believe your dog is just bored, plan daily walks with him to get him some much needed physical activity and also give him the time with you he wants and needs.

Teaching your dog hand commands are helpful as well. You don't need to yell, "Stop Digging!" He doesn't understand yelling, he is just a dog after all. If your dog is scared of thunderstorms, for instance, and that is when he is frantically digging, then put him in the laundry room or garage (if he's an outside dog) until the storm passes, because he is just frightened.

When your dog behavior problem is digging and won't stop, there are tools available to walk you through each step of teaching him that digging isn't appropriate behavior. Right now he may not understand right from wrong, but you can teach him. You just need to have a little patience, and with practice he can be taught. This dog training is a good resource for digging problems.

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