Sunday, July 27, 2008

Luxury Pet Products

By Beverly Maniago

Dogs today are living in a rich man's world. They are treated with enormous amount of love and care, and literally showered with gifts- we're not talking typical presents either. Some of these treats cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars. But for their babies, pet owners wouldn't dare try scrimping on their budget.

Golden and Silver Pieces of Jewellery

Gangster 50 Cent would surely flinch if he knew that teacup-sized pooches these days are wearing more bling than he does. A popular choice for short haired Chihuahuas is party necklaces laden with rhinestones and other semi-precious stones. Alternatively they can look elegant and sophisticated, truly fit for a ball or a social party-with cultured pearl necklaces. Prices can soar in this category of pet jewellery.

What better way to say they're charming and cool than with collar charms. They can come in a variety of designs, but you always have a choice to fill them up with real Swarovski crystals, in shades of lilac, turquoise, or even pure white.

Pet Furniture to Boot

Let them relax in real luxury with several pieces of well-crafted and even customized furniture. You can start with a chaise lounge, which can be perfect as an addition to your living room or even to your bedroom (if you like to have your puppy stay with you for the whole night). You can have complementary bolster pillows for added comfort. The entire pint sized chair can be made of the softest materials and can only be cleaned through dry cleaning.

You can also opt for the luxury dog bed, which appears to be more contemporary than a chaise lounge, yet just as comfortable. Pillows can be made of synthetic fibers that are very strong, so they don't end up damaged from constant movements of your pet during their sleep.

Gowns and Costumes for Special Occasions

Don't leave your pooches behind during special occasions. You can dress them up to the nines with formal gowns and tuxedoes. Don't forget to bring the crystal-studded barrettes. Your terrier, meanwhile, can wear that classic black tuxedo, paired with a bow tie and a dress shirt. Of course, there are hoodies, sweatshirts, and other dresses that could be designed by your own favorite couturier.

Excellent Dog Grooming

There's no reason for you to maintain the overall appearance of your pet alone. Drop him off at a doggy day spa and let professionals do the manicure, pedicure, and even conditioning treatment. Otherwise, you can just purchase your own high quality bathing products, which can contain the best dog shampoo and conditioner, bathing sponge, spritz, and, of course, the rubber ducky. You can even include some essential oils to help them feel relaxed and comfortable while submerged in the bathtub.

Dogs can definitely live in style, especially when you have the money to afford it. Let your dogs learn how to dress to impress with designer dog clothes, well-thought-out by world's top fashion designers. You can also have your pet apparel customized to ensure it's one of a kind, just like your pooch.

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