Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Important Puppy Development Stuff - Developmental Facts For Puppies

By Wendy Pan

There are approximately five puppy developmental stages that your puppy will experience and several that will affect you and your family. It is important to realize that the first few weeks of a puppy's life are very important for a long term healthy and well adjusted dog who will be part of your family. The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life are critical for his healthy development.

Stage 1 is from birth through week 2. These two weeks you see the fat little rolly polly wiggle worm turn into a little crawling dynamo, eyes are closed and mom is providing for all of his needs. He is only aware of jockeying with his siblings for food and the comfort of his mother.

Weeks 2 through 4. During this second phase of the puppy developmental stages, the puppy's eyes are opening, teeth are erupting, his hearing and smelling ability is developing and he's starting to walk. Mom is still the chief focus of his existence and he's learning to handle some very limited play time with his siblings.

Stage 3 covers weeks 3 through 12. This time is critical for the little guy as he learns how to perceive signals from mom and his litter mates. Such things as to not bite hard, how to wrestle, physical coordination development and how to be a dog are taught during this time frame. All vital skills necessary for him to become a healthy happy dog and one who is obedient and recognizes his human family as being part of his world and in charge. During this time it is very important that he remain with his siblings and mother to become confident in the 'dog' world and also be socialized with humans to be confident in the world he will be living in.

Unfortunately, it is during this time frame, when the puppy is often sent to his new home (around week 7 or 8). While we are anxious to get our new puppy home, it is more important that we recognize the puppy developmental stages and his need to be with his mother and siblings for just a bit longer than 8 weeks. If we allow this growth and learning to take place, the difference that it makes in our doggy companion is significant.

Stage 4 ranges from 3 months to 6 months. This is the time period that he is really starting to understand his world, the differences between dominance and submissive. Teething may be an issue, since those baby teeth are falling out and he may be chewing on anything and everything in sight, moving or not. Sometimes he may also become fearful and need a bit more encouragement on how to deal with different situations while he builds his self confidence.

Stage 5 is the most exciting, from age 6 months to 18 months, the teenager emerges! He's goofy, inquisitive, striving to please, or get away with murder if he's learned how to get around you and figured out that he can! However, he is strongly influenced by his pack, be it human or dog, gaining in self confidence and may even challenge you to see if you really mean it when you indicated that you are in charge. Also, sexual behavior starts to be exhibited, and spaying or neutering should be seriously considered as we enter this phase.

The journey is exciting and can be very satisfying for both you and your dog, keeping in mind the puppy developmental stages, enjoy your puppy while he is a puppy, because as with children, the time passes way too fast and then they are grown up!

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about puppy developmental stages, please visit Free Pet Health for current articles and discussions.

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