Friday, October 24, 2008

How to Deal With Your Mixed-Breed Dog Jumping Problems

By J.J. Yong

When dogs get excited or happy, they will jump at their owners as a form of greeting. However, inappropriate jumping for large-sized breed dogs like German Sheppards, Rottweiler and Doberman Pincher when they jump at senior citizens or young children. This might cause unwanted accidents to occur and your dog would be blamed for causing any injuries to their dog owners, friends or families. Therefore, you must put extra attention at this particular dog misbehavior as you are responsible for your dog's actions.

How to overcome dog jumping problems in mixed-breed dogs?

The most effective way for you to get rid of inappropriate jumping in your dog is simply ignore him whenever he jumps up. This sends a message that you are giving him the cold shoulder. This training process requires some period of time and you are not allowed to shout or yell at your dog at this time being.

In addition, whenever your dog jumps up on you, all you have to do is turn your back away from him. Generally, most of the dogs understand body language a lot more clearly than through verbal expression. Therefore, you are going to use your posture to convey the message that such misbehavior is not acceptable. These postures are including folding your arms, turning your face away from him and showing a frown face at him can be applied in this training session.

Please do not confused your dog by the proximity of the positive reinforcement to the negative because they have short term memory and are only capable of associating a reaction from you with whatever behavior it is they are exhibiting at the time of that reaction.

It is less stressful to train your mixed-breed dog if you able to identify your dog's breed via dog DNA breed test. By knowing your dog's breed, you are able to seek for opinions from your veterinarian about setting up a diet and exercise plan for your mixed-breed dog. For more information of dog DNA testing as a breed identification tool for mixed-breed dogs, visit

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