Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dog Training Collar Aka Shock Collar Buyers' Guide

By Geoffrey English

In an era of high speed Internet access, cell phones, and palm pilot organizers, it was only a matter of time before dog trainer would adopt the electronic training collar as an acceptable and humane way of training dogs. Notice I did not use the term "shock collar". The reason will become clear after a brief look into the evolution of "The Dog Training Collar".

More than 30 years ago, electronic collars made their way into the dog-training scene. However, because the first generation of dog training collars were only capable of delivering one level of stimulation to the dog, they where appropriately nicknamed shock collars. These collars required the trainer to select the level of correction by inserting an "intensity plug" into the collar (before putting the collar on the dog for training, once the collar was on the dog they could not change the intensity level). This plug would then cause the collar to emit the same level of stimulation for all corrections issued during the session, regardless of how small or large the infraction - hence the nickname - shock collars.

The term shock collar had a very negative connotation that dramatically decreased their widespread acceptance in the dog-training arena. It was commonly stated that, "Only hard headed dogs that could not be trained by traditional means where run with shock collars". As a result, very few professional trainers were public about their use of electronic dog collars fearing that clients would not entrust dogs to their care. However, some professionals, including legendary Rex Carr, where up-front about their use of electronic collars and worked diligently at developing a training program that utilized the collar in a way dogs could understand. Rex quickly became know as a pioneer of training retrievers with electronic collars. In fact, most if not all training techniques used today with retrievers are derivate from Rex's original work.

Recognizing the limitations of the first generation of electronic dog training collars, manufacturers worked to refine their design. It was only until the release of the second generation of electronic collars that allowed the trainer to vary the level of intensity from the hand-held transmitter. The trainer could now select from one of three levels of intensity for a particular "intensity plug": high, medium and low. This design still had its shortcomings. The trainer still only had 3 levels of stimulation to choose from and the lowest level of stimulation was typically inappropriate for simple corrections.

While the second generation of electronic collars was a great advancement in dog training collars, this technology was replaced in the last decade by collars that gave the trainer the ability to select multiple levels of intensity from the transmitter. This single advancement combined with customer education has done more for the widespread acceptance of the electronic collar than any other advancement in the collar's history.

Manufacturers quickly recognized that a great design alone was not going to give their product the acceptance needed to support their newfound industry; it was only through education that new customers would understand how to use these training devices to advance their dog in a proper manner. The most significant form of education came when Tri-Tronics released a book written by Jim and Phyllis Dobbs and Alice Woodward, Tri-Tronics Training Retrievers. This book focused on incorporating electronic collars in all phases of training retrievers and walked the reader through a series of detailed steps, bringing a dog from A to Z.

As a result of the technological advancements and the educational support provided by manufacturers, the days of the "shock collar" are gone, giving way to the remote training collars. Today, like cell phones, its becoming more difficult to find someone who trains without an electronic collar.

The remainder of this article will focus on the technology found in many of the collars manufactured by the industry leaders and explain how each is applicable in training gundogs and your selection of an electronic collar.

Types of Stimulation - Continuous Stimulation vs. Momentary Stimulation
Let's start by defining the two forms of stimulation available on the market today. First, there is continuous stimulation; this method of stimulation delivers an electronic correction to the dog for as long as the trainer presses the button on the transmitter. If the trainer holds the button down for five seconds the dog will receive five seconds worth of stimulation. However, most models on the market today will timeout after seven to ten seconds of stimulation has been applied to the dog.

The second form of stimulation available on some collars is momentary stimulation. Momentary stimulation, sometimes call a "nick", is different from continuous stimulation in one simple way; no matter how long the trainer depresses the button, the dog will only receive a short electronic correction, the duration of which is measured in a fraction of a second.

When might you use continuous or momentary stimulation?
Continuous form of stimulation can be used in training when you need to extend a meaningful correction to your dog and re-establish control of a training situation. A great example of a training scenario where you might need to apply continuous stimulation is when you need to gain control over your dog on a runner. In this situation, a simple "nick" or short burst of stimulation may do nothing to stop him on that illusive cock pheasant. Often, a dog might just run through a short burst of electronic stimulation because he is too excited about the prospect of fresh scent to listen to your sit or "hup" whistle. The continuous level of stimulation is what is required to stop him in his tracks. Because the correction is applied to the dog for as long as you hold the button down the effect to the dog is a stronger form of correction. Another example of when continuous stimulation would be a valuable training tool would be when teaching a flushing dog to turn on the "come around" whistle. Here you would use a much lower level of stimulation and apply the stimulation in conjunction with the "come around" command/whistle, only releasing the pressure when he complies with your command. In both training scenarios, the dog has to be taught the way out of the pressure (or the correct response) before utilizing a collar.

Momentary stimulation can be used in training when you need to apply a short, light form of correction. A classic training scenario where we would use momentary stimulation is when utilizing "indirect pressure" during training. With indirect pressure, you want to apply a short, quick correction for not compiling to a command after you have gotten control over him through attrition. For example, if your dog refuses to take a "right-handed angled back" command on a blind retrieve, momentary stimulation can be used after stopping him with a firm "sit" whistle, "nicking" him once he is sitting for refusing to take the "right-handed angle back" command, then re-issuing the "angle back" command. In this case, the momentary stimulation applies a short less intense correction that does not "rock the boat".

Upon first consideration, you may not think that you would need an electronic collar that has a range of one mile. However, if you are hunting over a big running pointer, in the thick backwoods of New England, you might be better served with a collar that has an effective range of a half-mile or greater than a collar with less range. Most manufacturers quote "line-of-sight" range for their collars. However, the effective range of an electronic collar can vary according to terrain and environmental conditions. For basic obedience and most yard work, a collar that is capable of extending to 150 to 300 yards is more than adequate. However, if you are training in the field or working in any type of cover, more range is needed to produce a reliable signal.

Intensity Levels
Maybe the most important advancements in the electronic collar in the past ten years has been the change in the design of the electronic collar to allow a trainer to change levels of stimulation at the transmitter, rather than at the collar. In days gone past, a trainer could only change the levels of stimulation by physically changing the "intensity plug" and/or contact points on the collar itself.

Today, virtually all quality dog training collars on the market allow the trainer to select the level of stimulation from the transmitter. The old term, shock collar is no longer accurate, the term "electronic training collars" has since replaced this term primarily due to this single design change which allows a trainer to select just the right amount of stimulation necessary to correct the dog making the electronic collar a humane approach to training dogs. Now you can select a mild level of stimulation (barely noticeable by human touch) or a severe level of correction that would make even the toughest man take notice. The responsibility is now with the trainer to select the appropriate correction for the dog.

Transmitter Design
Probably the most important factor in regards to usability of an electronic collar rests within the transmitter design. Most transmitters on the market today fit easily into your hand. However, differences exist in the design of the transmitter. Some manufacturers make transmitters that are small, lightweight and can be hung on a lanyard. Other manufacturers make transmitters that are larger but extremely easy to use. Like most things in life, it comes down to personal preference. In order for any collar to be an effective training device it must be easy to use and be able to apply the correction at the exact moment it is needed. The last thing you want to be doing is fumbling for your transmitter, setting an intensity level when you should be delivering a firm correction that the dog will understand.

The last feature to take into consideration when evaluating the design of a transmitter is the resistance of the transmitter to weather. Some transmitters are water resistant while others are waterproof. If using an electronic collar while waterfowling you might want to consider a transmitter that is waterproof and can endure a "fall in the drink".

Collar Design
The final consideration when choosing an electronic collar is the design of the collar/receiver unit itself. Some earlier models of electronic collars, intended for upland use, had external antennas that extended beyond the body of the collar and often became caught up on or became damaged by heavy brush. This design has since been replaced with antennas that are self-contained within the body of the receiver unit.

Like the transmitter design, collars also come in units that are water resistant and waterproof. If you intend on using your dog in or around water I would highly recommend purchasing a collar that is waterproof. These collars can be fully submerged in water while in the field without harming the internal electronics, a must for most hunters.

Final Note

Used correctly, the electronic collar can be an invaluable tool when training your gundog. There is no other tool that can help you effectively apply a correction to your dog than one of the many electronic collars on the market today. The days of chasing down your dog to apply a traditional correction (only have lost the significance of the timing) are long gone. Now you can effectively and reliably apply the correction at the moment when it is needed. Do your homework, if you have any questions regarding the selection an dog training collars a.k.a. shock collars, please don't hesitate to visit us at Gun Dogs Online.

Geoffrey A. English is the Founder of, the internet's premiere online magazine dedicated to bird dogs. If you have any questions regarding choosing an electronic dog collar or shock collars, please don't hesitate to visit their site.

Choosing the Right Dog Breed For Your Family

By Garett Flores

Choosing the right dog breed for your family and current living situation is not quite as easy as it might seem. Some people are under the impression that all dogs were created equal, and that all dogs act the same so they base their decision on selecting a dog breed purely on aesthetics.

Sure, that puppy in the window may have the look you are after, but are you ready for the genetics that come with it? Not only may they have a genetic affinity or tendency to act in a certain manner, but they may also have breed specific medical concerns you might not be aware of.

Contrary to popular belief, some dogs really are healthier than others. Some dogs are better with children, easier to train, more affectionate, protective, or more independent than other particular breeds. The list goes on, and you are responsible for doing the research.

The fact of the matter is that a majority of the canines today have been carefully bred so that they oftentimes have less in common with each other than lets say, a mouse has in common with an elephant. That might be a little extreme, but I think you get the picture.

One really needs to thoroughly research the breeds so that they can evaluate them on merits other than their looks to get a better idea of what they are getting into. One might wonder why a blood hound won't listen when you call their name while out on a walk. It has more to do with their instinct to pick up and follow a trail until they reach the end of it than anything else. They were designed to be that stubborn, and it will take a whole lot of patience and training to reverse that trend.

Some people don't believe there is a dog that is right for them, and have decided they dislike man's best friend. I would urge them to do a little more searching, and look a little further than they have before. There really is more to a pet than meets the eye, and there is such a wide variety of breeds that I believe there is a dog that is right for everyone.

They just have to know where to look.

About The Author

Garett Flores is a Pre-Veterinary student at California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo. He has combined his love of animals and computers to create web pages focusing on basic animal husbandry for pet parents. consists of breed specific profiles for prospective pet owners. is a site concentrating on lesser kept pets, such as Ferrets, Lizards and Snakes.

Homemade Dog Food

By Erik Thornbury

I love my dog Willie and want the best for him. When I heard that I had been feeding him unhealthy things I was shocked and disgusted. I found out that it was due to some contaminated Chinese wheat gluten which was in almost all commercial dog food. Initially, veterinary organizations reported more than 100 pet deaths amongst nearly 500 cases of kidney failure. One online database self-reporting as many as 3,600 deaths.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received reports of several thousand cats and dogs who have died after eating contaminated food, but have only confirmed 14 cases in part because there is no centralized government records database of animal sickness or death in the United States as there are with humans such as the Centers for Disease Control. As a result, many sources speculate that the actual number of affected pets may never be known and experts are concerned that the actual death toll could potentially reach into the thousands

After hearing that I knew that I had to be more careful with what I fed my little buddy. I found a good way to control this was to feed him homemade dog food. They were recipes that were simple, easy to make recipes that were designed specifically for Willie's digestion. Another great thing is that I could get all of the ingredients at the grocery store, and most of them I was already getting for myself.

Not only did I feel better that I was giving him health nutritious food I noticed that his energy level went through the roof. He felt better and so did I. As an added bonus I realized that I was saving money by buying the fresh ingredients instead of the expensive commercial brands. I hope that you treat your dog right too.

If you want to help save your favorite furry family member you should check out my favorite blog

Good Luck.

Pet Food Coupons

By Candis Reade

Life is hard with a furry family of four legged friends to care for and feed. So how do you keep filling those dependent little mouths, but stay within the budget for a growing hungry four legged family? Pet food coupons are a great way to stretch those pennies. Signing up to a coupon site on line can open up a world of offers that will keep your pets fully fed and happily contented with their caring owners.

Registration is easy. Many of the sites will advertise lots of other coupons for household products, food and goods which will help you to save on your other family purchases. Shopping becomes easier and a whole lot cheaper when you pull up pet food coupons on your search engine.

Do you have fussy pets? The little Yorkshire terrier no bigger than your hand who rules your house and who turns regularly his nose up at the dog food he ate happily last week. Or your wonderful old red setter who has for years been happy with local supermarket own brand dried dog food, but who has now decided that he wont eat it. Never fear, pet food coupons will enable you to vary the diet of your precious pooches and offer them a whole new world of variety. Each week you check what special offers you can get with the coupons, which will save you money and tempt their fussy palates.

Have you often stood in the pet food section of the supermarket and been confused by all the different choices? Vitamin and minerals, special additives, fish oil, bone strengtheners, teeth sharpeners, glossy coat enhancers and bad breath preventers... Who's to know what's best for your beloved pets? What an awful thought that you may be withholding something vital for their diet and well-being. It's not even possible to tell what's best from reading the pet food packaging. Have you ever tried deciphering the forest of information in minuscule writing on the can or bag?

Don't fret, when you visit the coupon site you can link to the manufacturer's site for the pet food offer and check out all this information in readable print in the comfort of your own home. Getting the coupons is easier than ever - just click and print! There's no collection to be done, no paying for postage or waiting for them to arrive. You can download the coupons immediately from the site. Give yourselves a break, give your pets a life of variety, and protect your pocket at the same time. Taking the time to search for pet food coupons is a great idea.

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about pet food coupons, please visit Pet Kennel Store for current articles and discussions.

Cutting Your Dog Food Costs

By Al Zan

It is of great importance that your dog eat high quality, nutritional dog food. The only problem is that many times, high quality food is quite expensive. Many people buy lower quality dog food in order to save money, but odds are, if you do not feed your dog food high in nutrition, you will spend extra money on vet bills in the end. A great way to save money and to still feed your dog the highest quality food is to clip coupons.

Clipping coupons comes in two forms these days...there is the traditional form of cutting coupons out of flyers and newspapers, or, you can go online. You can find great savings through the use of both methods. If you like to stick to the same brand of dog food all the time, you should probably go online and search for coupons for the brand that you prefer. Most of the time, there are a multitude of websites with printable coupons for just the brands you want.

If you are not picky about what brand of dog food you choose, clipping coupons the old fashioned way should be okay for you. You can sort through papers and flyers and cut out any coupons you find for high quality dog food and use the best one. Either way that you choose to obtain these coupons will potentially save you hundreds of dollars per year. If you save only two dollars per week, that will add up to over one hundred dollars per year.

Do not neglect your dog's health because you think that high quality foods are too pricy. Using coupons and buying foods in bulk will really help to save you money. Investing in a airtight containers will help keep any food that you purchase in bulk fresh. Your dog's health is very important...keep him healthy by feeding him high quality dog foods.

Click here for more on dog food coupons, see

Gastroenteritis in Dogs

By A Chakrabarti

Gastroenteritis in dogs is a condition characterized by a sudden and severe onset of acute vomiting and diarrhea. It can lead to extreme dehydration, shock, electrolyte disturbance and acid-base imbalance, and can eventually turn out to be fatal.

Dietary indiscretion and infection are the chief causes of gastroenteritis in dogs. Over eating, sudden dietary changes, ingestion of foreign material, eating spoiled food etc. that are frequent with dogs are largely responsible for acute vomiting and diarrhea. Bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections also cause gastroenteritis in dogs. Apart from them, drug reactions, abdominal disorders like pancreatitis, pyometra, peritonitis etc, metabolic disorders like diabetes, kidney and liver disease etc, and obstruction/blockage in the gastrointestinal tract are also responsible for acute vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.


The leading symptoms in gastroenteritis in dogs are sudden onset of severe and acute vomiting of intestinal contents through the mouth, and frequent passage of watery stools. Blood may sometimes be present in the vomit and fecal material. The dog may show signs of depression and listlessness in the acute stage of the illness. Though occasional vomiting and diarrhea are common among dogs, the sudden onset of acute vomiting and diarrhea symptoms is not normal, and requires attention to prevent situation going out of hand.

Diagnosis and Tests

Acute vomiting and diarrhea symptoms in dogs usually resolve quickly and do not necessitate elaborate diagnostic tests. However, if symptoms persist over 2-3 days, or when there is blood in the stool or in the vomit material, the following common diagnostic tests are recommended:

• Stool Examination
• Complete Blood Count (CBC)
• Routine Urine Examination
• Blood Biochemistry profiling
• Ultrasound or X-rays of Abdomen

Treatment and Care

Restoring fluid loss and correcting electrolyte imbalance are the two most important approaches of treatment. Intravenous administration of fluids and electrolytes may be necessary. For this, the dog may have to be taken to the hospital. Restricting oral intake of foods and drinks is advisable for several hours to give the gastrointestinal tract complete rest. Water and a bland diet may gradually be introduced once conditions stabilize. Original diet may be introduced after 2-3 days if the vomiting has stopped completely. If there is any recurrence of vomiting after introducing regular foods, oral intake should be stopped at once and the dog may be referred to a veterinarian.

It may sometimes be necessary to put the dog on antibiotics to control infection and on symptomatic drugs to regulate vomiting and diarrhea and provide a soothing coat to the abdominal tract. These medicines can improve the severity of symptoms and provide some comfort to the pet. However, oral medicines must be used only when it is absolutely necessary, and on consulting a veterinarian, as these medicines can sometimes irritate the already inflamed intestinal lining and increase vomiting.

Care is very important. The ailing dog need to be attended and its conditions monitored carefully. Veterinary help may be necessary, and if the clinical signs do not mitigate in a day or two, or the symptoms get worse, the dog may require another round of evaluation.

Living with Gastroenteritis

Proper dietary management is very important for reducing the incidence of gastroenteritis in dogs. The dog and its environment should also be kept clean to minimize chances of infection. However, if the dog has frequent bouts of gastroenteritis, a thorough evaluation may be necessary to find out the causes and start appropriate treatment.

Pet health and other health articles are readily available with KPO2INDIA. Please visit for more details.

Gallbladder Mucocele in Dogs

By A Chakrabarti

Gallbladder Mucocele is caused by obstruction of the storage capacity of the gallbladder due to formation of thick, mucoid bile conglomerate inside the gallbladder, and consequent impairment of its functioning. The accumulated biliary sludge may extend the gallbladder resulting in necrotizing cholecystitis.

Gallbladder Mucocele is common among middle aged to older dogs, particularly Shetland sheepdogs, cocker spaniels and miniature schnauzers, and occurs irrespective of sex.


Gallbladder Mucocele may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. The general symptoms are:
• Vomiting
• Anorexia
• Abdominal discomfort
• Polyuria/polypdisia
• Collapse - vasovagal or bile peritonitis

Physically, the dog may manifest general lethargy, abdominal pain, fever, dehydration and jaundice.

Diagnostic and imaging/ultrasound tests associated with other health conditions may reveal the asymptomatic conditions.

Causes and Risk Factors

The most common causes of Gallbladder Mucocele are:
• Lipid metabolism problems, particularly among Shetland sheepdogs and miniature schnauzers - this condition may be inherent in some dogs
• Gallbladder dysmotility (lack of intra-organ movement);
• Cystic hypertrophy of the mucous producing glands of the gallbladder, a common feature among older dogs - this condition may act as a trigger for Gallbladder Mucocele.
• Taking high fat diet, raised cholesterol, hyperthyroidism, and typical or atypical adrenal hyperplasia, glucocorticoid therapy.


The differential diagnosis of Gallbladder Mucocele may look into the conditions causing dysmotility of the gallbladder and other factors perpetrating bile stasis like neoplasia, pancreatitis, and choleliths etc.

Diagnosis depends on blood biochemistry, hematology, lab tests and imaging studies.

The common observations are:
• Analysis of liver enzymes, ALP, GGT, ALT and AST - high liver enzymes indicate illness; sometimes, this may be the only sign of illness in some dogs or may manifest in the acute stage of the disease;
• Increased bilirubin;
• Low Albumin;
• Electrolyte abnormalities with fluid and acid-base disturbances - due to excessive fluid loss from vomiting or triggered by bile peritonitis;
• Prerenal azotemia

• Anemia
• Leukocyte imbalance

Lab tests:
• High triglycerides

• Radiography or ultrasound studies showing liver abnormalities, distended gallbladder and bile duct, gallbladder wall thickening, presence of gas in the liver, and loss of detail in the abdomen due to inflammation of the soft lining of the abdomen (peritonitis).

The common diagnostic procedures are aspiration sampling of fluids withdrawn from adjacent biliary structures or from the abdominal cavity, laparotomy, liver biopsy, bacterial cultures and sensitivity tests and cell examinations.


Gallbladder Mucocele treatment depends on the condition of the patient. Outpatients are generally put on anti-inflammatory and liver protecting agents like Ursodeoxycholic acid and S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM-e). Indoor patients are treated according to their condition demonstrated by imaging and ultrasound studies. Patients with higher lipids are restricted fat-rich foods. If bile peritonitis is confirmed, abdominal lavage is recommended. All patients should be put on hydration therapy to correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances.

Other than broad-spectrum antimicrobials, depending on symptoms, the patients are put on antiemetics, antacids, gastroprotectants, Vitamin K1 and antioxidant medications.

Post-treatment, all Gallbladder Mucocele patients must be periodically monitored with biochemistry, hematology and imaging studies to exclude/include various complications like Cholangitis or Cholangiohepatitis, Bile Peritonitis and EHBDO.

Pet health and other health/wellness articles are available with KPO2INDIA. For more details, please visit

New Dog Owners

By John Seaver

Welcome to to the world of canine ownership! here, I have taken a few pieces of information that I have found very helpful on my journey to creating a happy home with my new pup. I chose an American Pit Bull Terrier for my companion. I was lucky enough to be around the breed before I chose to bring one home. I have no regrets and only look forward to many years happy companionship! Take a minute to read through what I have put together and rest are on your way to a good start!

Hypoallergenic Foods

When I first brought Kasper home from the rescue, he was covered in a rash. At first I had no idea what it was or why he had it. After doing some research and talking with other APBT owners, I Learned that the breed is very sensitive to certain foods. I immediately switched food brands and the rash disappeared.

-Allergies are caused by the bodies inability to process certain proteins. As a result, they may become physically and emotionally irritated, as they become plagued by intense itching sensations.

To eliminate the food allergy you should start your dog on hypoallergenic dog food. Have you used hypoallergenic dog food? Hypoallergenic dog food is created with ingredients that cause less stress on the system. Duck and potato may be the only contents of some hypoallergenic dog foods. Typically the less processed and more natural ingredients the better. Hypoallergenic dog food can ensure that your dog doesn't have to suffer through years of itching and discomfort. I personally use Wellness brand and find that both he and I like the quality.

Using Hand Commands

I found out that because my dog is all white, he may have a stronger chance of going deaf. So I decided to start using hand commands along with my verbal commands during training sessions. If you choose to go this route, which I feel is the way to go, whether your dog is deaf or not. then here is a brief lesson...

Start with basic commands, I used come,sit,lay down and stay. For sit, I put a treat in the palm of my hand and repeated the instruction "sit". Hold your fist up to the pups nose and allow him/her to smell the treat. Then coax them into the sitting position, once they have sat reward them, not only with the treat but with A LOT of verbal praise. This will make it easier to ween them off of the treats and obey even when they know a treat is not involved. Repeat this with all commands and when you see your friend is ready...start using only hand commands and see how they respond. Kasper learned very quickly and I am impressed with the results. Every Dog is different and some will take longer than others...HAVE PATIENCE!!!

Puppy Proofing

I failed miserably at first with preparing my home for the new housemate! I had this Idea that crate training was harsh and evil! I now know why it is necessary, Kasper likes his crate now and I am happy! Buy a crate larger than you think is big enough and find a nice place in your home for it. I cover his in a blanket and it is like his little fort! Next, Call your dog to come with you wherever you may seem excessive at first but it will prevent them from getting in trouble or hurt. Soon enough they will be following you without you needing to call them! Keep all your counters clean and free of breakables or harmful chemicals. I switched to all natural cleaning products to assure that my dog would not be poisoned.

Take these few tips to heart, they really helped me and are not very hard to do. Remember, consistency and patience are the most valued tools! have fun and give your buddy a hug for me!

Keeping Sharp With Pug Training

By Jenny Donaldson

There are literally hundreds of different breeds of dog that a person can choose to have as a pet, but the Pug can easily be considered as one of the most popular. This really comes as no surprise, considering how friendly, loving and adorable these dogs are. Pug training is very important however, and because Pugs are rather stubborn dogs this is often difficult to do. There are a few other Pug problems that you should be aware of as well.

Successful training with a Pug depends a lot on how much the dog desires for his master's approval. Obviously the closer the owner is with the dog and the better they treat him, the more the dog is going to strive to do well. Pugs are very smart dogs and can usually be trained with a little persistence and patience, and so training can be relatively easy as long as the owner has patience and is willing to put in the time and effort that is going to be required.

There are a few tips that are particularly important when it comes to dealing with one of the top Pug problems, Pug training. One is to never overwork the dog. This is very important for owners to remember because this is only going to wear the dog out and cause them to lose focus. It is also essential that the owner be repetitive and use consistency so that the dog learns what they are being taught and not only that but remembers it.

The puppy will need to be taught that the owner is the dominant one in the house and not them, and this is actually one of the key steps to getting the dog to listen and obey his master. Pugs should never be allowed to do something that the owner would not want them doing as an adult dog, and this includes nipping at peoples' hands and feet, biting, and barking incessantly, just to name a few examples.

The bottom line, when it comes to Pug problems, is that training does not have to be difficult as long as the right techniques are implemented and the owner has patience. Praising the dog is always going to be important, as the dog will need to know when they are doing well. Puppies can tell when their owners are being fake and half hearted, so it is important that owners really mean it when they praise their dog.

Also keep in mind that Pugs will do anything for food and so if there is a certain command or trick that an owner is trying to teach their Pug and they do not seem to take, they should use food to bribe them into doing it. Training with a treat or toy is a great idea, because the Pugs respond so well to this. All of the common Pug problems can be overcome as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort that is going to be necessary.

Jenny Donaldson has published hundreds of articles about dogs, including several on Pug history. A Pug is an old breed that makes a great family pet. Ensuring that the breed is the right one for your family can be accomplished by studying basic Pug information

Things to Consider in Selecting a Pet Door

By Jennifer A Johnson

Dog doors, often referred to as doggie doors or pet doors are miniature swinging doors that, installed in a door or wall, will allow your dog or cat access to the backyard without making it necessary for someone to let them in and out. This would be convenient for the pet owner because they do not need to be interrupted by their pet if the pet wants to go outdoors. Dog doors or pet doors are easy way to solve some pet-related issues such as indoor soiling or urinating. Some dogs have a hard time communicating when they need to go outside, they need to learn the skill to be able to communicate with the owner effectively. With, the dog doors install on your doors, you pet can go in and out of the house immediately. With the use of pet doors, you can also eliminate the scratches on your doors.

There is a variety of dog doors that is available in the market today. Pet owners will have plenty to choose from that would suit their preference and dog's need. What are the things to consider in selecting a door for your dog? In selecting a pet door, first you have to consider the size of your pet. The size usually ranges from small that could accommodate dogs such as Chihuahuas and Teacup Poodles, medium for dogs such as Beagle, large for dogs such as German Shepherds and extra large for dogs such as Rottweilers.

The next thing to consider in selecting a door for your pet is the type of door. The usual materials for these are thick plastics, vinyl and rubber.

Types of Dog Doors

Vinyl flaps. This type of door is made of heavy vinyl that can make entrance and exit for your dogs and stops other small animals such as rodents from entering your home.

Magnetic-locked door. This is like the top-hinged version, but with an added magnetic switch that keeps the door closed until your dog, wearing a small magnet on his collar, triggers the switch to open. This door cuts down on drafts so it's ideal for cold-weather climates.

Hinged at the top and swings both directions: this allows your dog to come and go, but has the drawback of allowing the same freedom to other animals his size or smaller.

Find more information on Dog Doors, Dog Gates and other Pet Product

Long Coated German Shepherd Puppies Are Difficult to Find

By Jan Ryan

The long coated German Shepherd is not considered show standard by the American Kennel Club and, therefore, is not allowed to compete in national competitions. The owners of the long coated German Shepherds could really care less whether their dogs win trophies because they already have decided that they have the best dogs on the planet. A long coated German Shepherd is absolutely beautiful to behold and has a much sweeter temperament then their short haired cousins.

They also tend to be more comical then the shorthaired variety which really endears them to the public. They are great at assistance work, make exceptional working dogs and do quite well with police work. The long coated German Shepherd makes a great pet and they love kids. Only ten percent of German Shepherd pups are the long coated variety which makes them hard to find. Since the American Kennel Club only approves of the short coated German Shepherd so most breeders do not breed the long coated variety.

There is one distinct difference between the long coated German Shepherd and the short haired German Shepherd in that the Long coated German Shepherd has a longer coat. The characteristics of a long coated German Shepherd's hair are that it is very silky and soft and will part along the back. They have round bushy tails and big fluffy pantaloons with fringes along the back of their legs. They have long hair between their toes and bushy tufts behind their ears. Puppies can be identified as a long coated German Shepherd if it has ear fringe or tufts.

Long coated German Shepherds also do not have undercoats, therefore, they are not waterproof and make them undesirable for breed standards. Long coated German Shepherds also do not shed more then it's shorthaired counterpart, nor does it have a distinctive odor. These are two rumors that have passed through the German Shepherd family and both should be considered false.

The long coated German Shepherd makes a very good family dog. It has a sweet temperament, is intelligent and works very hard when asked to. This dog does great police work and is gentle with assistance work and are very much a working dog.

They love affection and strive to please their owners. These dogs are also very comical in the way that only dogs can be comical. Just because the American Kennel Club is not accepting of these dogs does not mean the public has to be against owning them. They are the best dogs and no one needs a trophy to tell them so. Just because they do not have an undercoat and are not waterproof should not really make a difference when selecting a dog. So when visiting your next German Shepherd puppy litter, look for the puppies that have hair tufts in their ears and fringes on their legs and that's the dog for you.

Jan Ryan knows these dogs make great police dogs, assistance dogs and working dogs. The basic difference between German Shepherd types is the length of the coat. The grooming of long coated German Shepherds can be found in any book with German Shepherd information.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Clearing Up the Confusion

By Haydn Tomas

I expect that you complete this article having learned at least a little bit of new information about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Perhaps you are looking to get a dog as a family pet or already have one and need to get some insider info that will help you to train your King Charles Spaniel. I hope you find this article Useful.

Whereas many dog breeds have origins that are masked in controversy, those of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are cloaked in confusion. So let's clear it up for you:

For starters, you must realize that there indeed does exist a breed known as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. There also exists a breed known as King Charles Spaniels. To further bewilder the issue, both breeds are strikingly alike in appearance. So alike in fact, that some countries lump the two together under the common name of English Toy Spaniels.

And as if that was not enough, we must also add that even though considered spaniels, they are not gun dogs; neither are they classed in the sporting group.

From this point onward, we will let you in on little secrets that will help you implement this topic into your life.

To begin digging our way out of this confusion we must start by accepting the fact that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the King Charles Spaniel were originally one and the same. Spaniels have always been a favorite of aristocratic families of Europe.

King Charles II was one who was so enamored by the little spaniels that the court's diary keeper noted: They had access to all parts of Whitehall, even on state occasions.

The diarist goes on to write:

All I observed there was the stillness of the king playing with his dogs all the while and not minding to his business.

Mary, Queen of Scots had an entire pack of small spaniels. Just before she was executed, one of the spaniels crept under her clothing, hung on tight and had to be removed by force. Toy spaniels appear in paintings by Gainsborough, Rubens, and even Rembrandt.

The little spaniels became so popular that over the years their pattern and characteristics changed. They developed diminutive characters, more similar to the Pekingese than to the miniature Springer Spaniel types. They eventually evolved as the spaniels King Charles love so much.

In 1920, an American living on Long Island in New York was reported to have put up some pretty interesting prize money at the famous Crufts Dog Show in England, for any breeder who could come up with a revival of the old type spaniel of the king's era. The British breeders accepted the challenge and started from the bottom.

They reconstructed the spaniel over the period of just a few generations, and finally produced the original-looking King Charles Spaniel. But herein lies the problem - instead of getting to wear the original title (which they really deserved since they were replicas of the originals), they were called Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. The addition of the name Cavalier would therefore distinguish them from what had evolved into the King Charles Spaniel of our present era.

From about the year 1926 until the present day, there are two separate breeds. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (most likely akin to the original King Charles Spaniel) and the King Charles Spaniel (far removed from what he was originally).

What you have learned while reading this informative article, is knowledge that you can keep with you for a lifetime.

Learn how to stop your dog from jumping and other dog obedience lessons at the Dog Training Diaries
Provided free by the dog care expert at Haydn Tomas has been providing free dog training news, tips & ideas through his newsletter since 2002.

Havanese Dogs and Their Owners

By Fiona Kelly

In the 1900's the Havanese dog went through a rough time as a breed. Since then, this dog has grown in popularity as a companion and a family pet, particularly in the United States. When this breed was harder to find, the cost of the Havanese dog had gone up considerably. Today, despite the increased availability of the breed, you can still find Havanese pups for as much as $1000. One of the biggest reasons that this breed is so sought after is the personality of the Havanese.

If you are looking for a pet that will always be ready to play, will show unending loyalty to his family and keep you entertained regularly, then the Havanese is the dog for you. They also tend to work well in homes with children and other pets, although their small size can put them at a bit of a disadvantage. Don't let that small size fool you however, Havanese dogs are fairly fearless, and make surprisingly good watchdogs. Their energy and playfulness will remain with them well into adulthood as well, so you don't have to worry about your Havanese pup slowing down any time soon.

Intelligent, submissive and eager to please his master. These characteristics are typical in the Havanese breed, which makes it easy t train most of the time. However, housebreaking a Havanese can be a more challenging process than with other types of breeds. Most breeders and Havanese owners will advise someone purchasing a Havanese puppy to allow plenty of time and patience to complete the housebreaking routine. One reason is because Havanese pups do not always leash train well, meaning they may not complete their "business" when enjoying a walk with you.

If you are having a hard time getting your Havanese pup housebroken, one method that has worked with some Havanese owners is the use of a litter box that is designed for use with toy dog breeds. Do not ever use regular cat litter in your dog's box, since he could eat it and get sick. Instead, you can use a hard, cylindrical paper pellet that will actually attract your dog to his box. It is also important to make sure that you spend plenty of time with your puppy, since a lonely dog can easily turn into a chewing dog.

If you are looking for a new pet for your family, and you are hoping for a dog that will be easy to train and fun to own, a Havanese puppy might be the right choice for you. This dog is submissive by nature, eager to please, and intelligent to boot. He is generally a pup that will always be ready to play with your family, and never lacking in energy. Often Havanese are natural performers and your pup may entertain you frequently with his antics. He will be loyal and loveable, and despite his small size, he may make a fairly effective watchdog.

Most Havanese tend to be fearless, and even fierce when the situation calls for it. If you are thinking that a Havanese puppy might be the right dog for you, there are plenty of Havanese breeders available who can offer you one of these pups in good health and with good breeding. To find a breeder, you can search online or ask friends or your veterinarian for recommendations. It is also a wise idea to continue to research the breed, so that you can learn everything possible about the Havanese dog.

Fiona Kelly is a dog owner, breeder, and avid studier - particularly of small dog breeds. Havanese are a wonderful small dog breed characterized by its lack of shedding, good temperament, and good general health. If you are seeking information about what to expect with the Havanese this article will provide it for you.

Dove Cresswell's Dog Training Program - What Can it Each You?

By Eric Simkind

When it comes to learning how to train your dog, you may have a particular and urgent purpose in mind, like housebreaking your dog or teaching it to stop jumping on guests. However, when you decide on which dog training program to use to improve your dog's behavior and increase the fun you and your pet (and friend) have together, you need to be sure that the program you use is comprehensive so that it covers a lot of the problems you may encounter with your dog in the future.

In this article I'll cover what you can expect from Dove Cresswell's dog training program, which is one of the most popular programs on the market today. I hope that this article will help you make a more informed decision about this program.

So what can you really learn from Dove Cresswell's dog training program?

The program is made up of 7 video lessons which cover the following topics:

1. Potty training and housebreaking - This is one of the most pressing problem any dog lover faces (as I'm sure you already know). This lesson will help you overcome this issue so you can get over this initial hurdle.

2. Crate training - This training really gives you the peace of mind knowing that you dog is safe and happy in its crate. You can sleep easily knowing your dog is happy in its crate.

3. Dog obedience - In this lesson you will learn how to get your dog to follow simple commands like "sit", "down", "wait" and more. This is more advanced than the previous 2 lessons.

4. Walking politely - This is a huge problem and can make taking your dog on a walk to be a real torture. In this lesson Dove Cresswell shows how to get your dog to behave well while walking with it outdoors.

5. The recall command - Getting your dog to return to you is especially important if you live in a city or near a busy road. It can literally mean the difference between life and death for your dog.

6. Dog manners - Getting your dog to behave well while you have guests or when you serve a meal is essential for your peace of mind. This lesson covers all of these aspects.

7. Dog tricks - The 7th video lesson of Dove Cresswell's dog training program is truly a supplemental piece as you learn how to train your dog to do tricks. This doesn't deal with a real problem, but can still make life with your pet much more enjoyable.

Overall, you can learn a great deal from this program and everything is presented on video which makes it very easy to use and apply.

To read more about this program, click here: Dove Cresswell's Dog Training

Eric Simkind writes on multiple subjects of interest. To read more about how to train your dog, click here: Dog Training Tutorials.

Your Dog's History Can Determine If They Suffer From Environmental Dermatitis

By Don Rainwater

All dogs itch, scratch, and lick themselves, but when the itching or scratching becomes too much to bear not only for the human owner and for the dog itself, you need to take your dog to a vet. If your dog is scratching, licking, and biting at himself all the time and is so self-absorbed that it's doesn't act the way he used to, nor does it seem to have a very good quality of life, a vet call is definitely in order. No matter if your dog is the indoor dog or a outdoor dog, all dogs are prone to skin disorders.

One of the causes for your dog to scratch and itch is environmental dermatitis. Dogs with environmental dermatitis have hair loss and skin irritation much like an itchy scalp for humans. You can find out if your dog has environmental dermatitis by taking him to the vet and tell the vet about his diet, his physical activity, and whatever problems he had in the past.

Your dog may have just a simple allergic reaction to grasses in your yard or other materials you have in your house. Most vets can provide a allergy test that is similar to the allergy tests that they perform on humans. Think about where your dog has been lately. Has he gone swimming in a pond or lake or maybe you have bought a new product or cleanser into the house. By going through the history, you may be able to find out what your pet is allergic to without a veterinarian allergy test.

Don Rainwater has written articles and a book on senior dog and dog ailments. If you want to learn more about senior dogs, senior dog products, or to purchase the author's book please visit

Different Styles of Dog Beds For Your Senior Dog

By Don Rainwater

There are many styles, shapes, colors and fabrics to choose from and there are many websites that sell dog beds, which makes buying them easy and convenient.

A rectangular thermo-regulating pad provides your dog with a constant cool core in summer months, even near a heater or fireplace unit. It supplies a cushiony support for joints year round. The greatest features are that it's non-electric, non-toxic, paw-puncture proof, and easy to clean.

The heated rectangle pet bed provides a low level therapeutic heat along with a vibrating, massaging, orthopedic foam core. It is equipped with a detachable chew -resistant cord, as well as a removable and washable cover. It uses a low-voltage power adapter. The power-saving vibrating and massaging unit is a great feature because it cycles on and off.

A hammock-style pet bed is perfect for a large breed dog and it's raised approximately 7 inches off the ground. The all-weather knitted fabric creates a superior pet bed due to breathable material that increases the flow of cooler air underneath the mat to help your stay cool in the heat during hot summer months. The Frame is made of steel.

Some canine friends like to burrow under blankets and sneak between the bedcovers. They can nuzzle into the couch cushions, and snuggle up in the sheets. The burrow bed is perfect for this type of dog, because the super soft bed is topped by a hood that creates a comforting burrow.

In regard to a pet's comfort, it is best to focus on comfort more than color. Color is important when you desire the dog bed to fit into your home decor.

Don Rainwater is the author of hundreds of senior dog articles. For more information on senior dog products and to view his book, "When Your Best Friend Becomes Your Old Friend: Caring for a Geriatric Dog" please visit

An Obedience Training Guide For Golden Retriever Owners

By Carol Matthews

There are few things cuter than a Golden Retriever puppy, but that adorable fur ball that you brought home from the breeder will quickly become a fifty-pound chewing machine if you are not ready and willing to whip that pup into shape. Not literally of course. This eager to please dog will respond best to plenty of praise and positive reinforcement when it comes to effective Golden Retriever obedience training. The best way to train this type of dog is to begin the first day you bring it home, by teaching and reinforcing the rules of the house immediately.

This means that if you don't want your full grown dog hopping up on your bed or sofa, don't let your small puppy up there now. Not once, not ever. This way, your dog learns in no uncertain terms what the expectations are, so he can learn to live within the boundaries that you set for him. Beyond this basic step, there are additional obedience training tips that will help you and your Golden Retriever to live harmoniously.

Most owners will begin Golden Retriever obedience training with housebreaking. This process will usually start the first day that you bring your puppy home from the breeder, and is usually most effective when a crate is incorporated into the training. When you are unable to keep a close eye on your puppy for short periods of time, you can let him stay in his crate. Once you take him out, bring him to the yard first thing so that he can go to the bathroom right away. After he goes, praise him and bring him inside.

When your puppy is not in his crate, you need to keep a close eye on the signs that he might need to go outside. This might include sniffing the ground, whining or going to the back door. Take him out right away if you see any of these signals and praise him when he does his business successfully. It is also good to take him out after meals and naps, when he is most likely to need to potty.

Housebreaking is just the first step of Golden Retriever obedience training. Once your puppy has mastered where to go potty, it is time to move on to other types training. The best way to do this is by enrolling you and your dog in a formal obedience training course. You can find these classes at pet stores, community centers and from your veterinarian's office. A formal training class will ensure that your dog learns correct behavior through proper methods that will ensure success.

Look for smaller class sizes, and instructors who are experienced and emphasize positive reinforcement over punishment and intimidation. Golden Retrievers are very eager to please as a rule, so a positive training program will work infinitely better than a negative program will. Make sure that you and your dog work on the techniques for a few minutes every day so that the training principles will sink in and stick. That way, you can enjoy a dog that is well behaved and a delight to have in your home.

A lover of dogs, particularly Golden Retrievers, Carol Matthews has trained many of these dogs and has a good understanding of the time and effort that goes into a well-behaved Golden Retriever. There are plenty of proven methods of Golden Retriever training, but all will require the basic elements of effort, time and plenty of patience and praise to get the job done right. To properly train your Golden Retriever, articles like this and dog training books will give you the necessary information to begin.

Please Tell Me Why My Dog Barks Constantly!

By Carol Bennett

It's pure nature for a dog to bark. That is their vocal way of communicating to the world and they bark for a variety of reasons. But, when a dog barks constantly it becomes a problem.

One of the reasons a dog barks constantly is because he or she may simply be bored. The bored dog barks constantly because they just do not have anything else to do to use up the energy he or she has. Dogs have a need to play and exercise to keep them stimulated and entertained. If you are leaving your dog tethered all day or in a crate for long periods of time, they have nothing to do to burn off energy. Boredom sets in quickly for a dog and if not given some outlet, their barking can become excessive.

It is possible that your dog barks constantly because he or she can see the neighbor dogs or children playing across the street or down the road and wants desperately to join them. This barking is their way of saying so. It is also possible that the neighbor children have teased your dog and the barking is their way of saying they do not appreciate it.

Another reason a dog barks constantly is that they are lonely or anxious. Sometimes dogs have separation anxieties and do not know how to handle your leaving them or being alone and only know to bark to release this energy and to let you know they are anxious.

Your dog may be barking constantly because he or she can hear other dogs across town barking. This is there way of telling each other "I'm here, too!" In the case of a household with multiple dogs, one dog may be the initiator of the barking and all the others just have to join in.

Sometimes a dog barks constantly because he or she is just seeking attention. Puppies and adult dogs alike learn very early that if they bark, they get your attention in either a positive or negative way. Either way, it is attention and the barking worked. To help stop this behavior, the best thing to do when your dog barks is nothing. Do not acknowledge the barking and the dog will learn that's not how to get your attention.

To help your dog control this barking, it's going to take some work and patience on both your parts. You have to first determine what the cause of the barking is and make a plan to help your dog relax or redirect energy at these times. You can find helpful tools and tips at your library, at the vet's office or even here online to assist you in teaching your dog to stop that excessive barking.

It is never a good idea to yell at your dog when they are barking. To the dog, you are just joining in with the barking when you yell and this encourages the dog to continue. Instead, give them something else to focus on and redirect their energy.

Dog training is an important and vital part of your dog's life. A trained dog is happier, healthier and safer. Visit A Dog In Training for more dog training tips and resources.

About the History of the Labrador Retriever

By Brooke Sunderland

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds of dog in the world. They are considered as being in the class of sporting dogs, one that is generally used to hunt upland game birds and waterfowl. Labrador Retrievers were actually first recognized in England as far back as the year 1903, and first registered by the American Kennel Club in the United States in 1917.

The Labrador Retriever has always had a reputation for being devoted, loving, affectionate and for its excellent hunting and retrieving abilities. There was a Labrador Retriever Club that was established in the mid-1900s and which has recognized the importance of keeping the Lab true to its original purpose and the AKC does not put any restrictions and so the dual champions of the past have as a result been greatly reduced. The general appearance of the Labrador Retriever has basically always been the same, although the dogs seem to have slenderized somewhat in terms of their stature.

One of the most important moments in the history of the Labrador Retriever took place during World War I, when they were first imported to the United States. At this point they were appearing in the British Kennel Club's events and were very popular dogs around the world. They were being mainly used as gun dogs in the war. Gun dogs are a category of dog breeds that are used to assist hunters to find and retrieve game, and the Labrador Retrievers were especially useful for this because they are born with a natural knack for retrieving.

The breed actually eventually died out in Newfoundland, but since the breed had already been brought to England it therefore continued to thrive and gain intensely in terms of popularity. Today the breed continues to stand out just as it did in the past, namely for its ubiquitous practical uses. They are used for tracking, retrieving, hunting and as guide dogs for the blind and service dogs for the disabled.

It is easy to see that the history of the Labrador Retriever is very long and significant. It is important for any potential Labrador Retriever owner to be educated not only on the history of these dogs but also on what your reasons are for choosing this breed. One of the nicest things is that Labrador Retrievers are great indoor and outdoor dogs and so whether you want to have the dog indoors as a family pet or you are the outdoor type and like to hunt they are the ideal dog for you.

There are really too many benefits to the Labrador Retriever to be able to list them all in detail, and as long as you are aware of the different benefits and have a good reason for getting one of these dogs for yourself, then you should not have any problems. By being aware of the breed's history and temperament you will really be better off. Getting a dog is a long-term commitment, one that you should take incredibly seriously and ensure that you are choosing the right breed for you and your lifestyle.

Brooke Sunderland has experience dealing with canines and understands how important learning about a breed's history really is. Not only is the Labrador an attractive, statuesque dog but they also have a very long and complex history. The Internet is one of the best available resources when it comes to finding out further Labrador information regarding the history of Labradors.

Improper Dog Breeding - Do Not Buy Or Adopt a Dog Before Reading

By Brian Spilner

You may have heard stories in your high school science classes about kings and queens that used to keep their bloodlines pure by marrying within the family. After years and years of this practice, a child would be born with tons of physical and mental problems. Your teacher probably explained that this was because all of the "bad" genes finally showed up through the inbreeding. Whether this story is true or whether it is merely an illustration, it demonstrates a valid point, along with a little exaggeration. Genetics is a complicated science, so this will be put as simply as possible.

It is easier to understand the problems of breeding if you can identify the different methods of breeding. Inbreeding, as demonstrated with the kings and queens, is the process of breeding inside the family. That is, the male and female are related, even if only cousins. Linebreeding is a form of inbreeding that is used to achieve "hard to find" traits, such as a recessive color. Linebreeding takes a son or daughter and breeds it with the female. Crossbreeding is a practice where dogs are mixed breeds. Proponents of crossbreeding claim that the dogs are much healthier than inbred dogs. Almost everything about the dog is either inherited or developed through the environment. Eye color, coat color, size, and temperament are passed down through breeding. Temperament, though, can also be affected by the environment that the puppy is brought into.

Even the best breeders can run into problems. Depending upon the size of the operation, there are more than likely a small handful of males and females that are used to breed. Sometimes, even, there are only two dogs that continuously breed. You may be wondering why a breeder would not pull two dogs from completely different blood lines. This can, and does, happen; but the difficulty arises when the breeder is trying to reach a desired trait. It is highly unlikely that dogs from two different bloodlines carry the same trait. This is when linebreeding takes place. If a breeder is trying to produce puppies of a recessive color, then he will use linebreeding to accomplish his task. However, when breeding you cannot choose which genes will be passed down, and the bad are passed along with the good (the same is true with inbreeding). Eventually, a genetic disorder arises because, to put it simply, the bad genes have built up and affected the bloodline.

Another similar problem occurs when one dog is used to breed multiple litters. For example, people may want a direct descendent of a dog that has won all sorts of competitions and awards. Why not breed him? He's almost perfect, right? Well, in reality, he is still carrying not so good genes are veiled by the better genes. You can bet, however, that he will pass down both types.

A good breeder will not use dogs that have known genetic defects to breed more puppies. This is why many breeders will guarantee the health of their pups. However, a backyard breeder that is uneducated in the matter will continue to produce unhealthy dogs, especially since many of the disorders do not show up until later in life. Hip dysplasia, eye problems, and heart problems are all genetic disorders that have made their way into the bloodlines of breeds. Not only is this adding to the pet overpopulation (where many end up being euthanized), but it is adding unhealthy animals to the problem.

Breeding is a science that involves the help and knowledge of many people. Thankfully, breeders do not have to tackle the tasks on their own. There are organizations that help supply breeders information on certain diseases or genetic defects and the findings of recent studies concerning the two. Keeping an open line of communication between breeders also helps in the breeding process.

There are many problems that can result from improper breeding, and this merely touched the tip of the iceberg. Even though it is not easy to understand the hows and whys of gene selection and inheritance, it is beneficial to understand the complications of breeding. Even the best of breeders may run into problems that are simply out of their control (remember that environment can play a pretty big role). Open communication is growing in popularity and helping breeders breed healthy pets.

This article was written by Brian Spilner a provided by a site featuring: dog crates and pet carriers.

Bulldog Obedience Training - Attend Training Classes Whenever in Doubt

By Bobby Callahan

The bulldog is a smaller version of the Mastiff and has descended from the Alaunt, Bandog as well as Mastiff dog breeds. The breed is also well loved in all parts of the world because of his excellent appearance, because he often behaves like a clown and also because of the outstanding companionship that he provides to his owner. Of course, it presupposes that Bulldog breeding has followed best breeding standards and that the Bulldog has been properly socialized as well as given the right Bulldog training.

It is thus no surprise to learn that Bulldog obedience training will bear fruit provided it is started at an early age, because the sweet as well as tolerant nature of this patient animal will stand him in good stead in learning to obey and in turn become a well behaved pet dog. What's more, because of proper breeding of the Bulldog breed, the earlier traits of being vicious and overly aggressive have been eliminated and so, today the bulldog is a friendly as well patient and dependable animal.

You should show that you recognize the bulldog's submissive behavior as being the proper behavior and thus reward him when he shows he is ready to follow you because this is the first step in Bulldog training that can then lead to further Bulldog obedience training steps. Remember to also get him started off in Bulldog training as early as is possible, though at the same time you need to realize that it is never too late to teach your pet to obey you, even if you need to take the help of dog training books to understand how best to show him how he must behave in the home and when around others.

The best time to begin Bulldog obedience training is as soon he becomes the newest member of your home and you will do well to form a strong relationship with your pet because that will help him learn what is desirable behavior and what is not. For those Bulldog owners that have never trained a dog before, even sending your pet to a dog obedience training class is recommended, after which you can continue the Bulldog obedience training at home.

Though it may be difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, nevertheless, it is never too late to begin Bulldog obedience training. Though of course making a start with Bulldog training at as early a stage as is possible will prove to be easier on both the owner as well as the pet. So, before you do anything else, you need to also learn how to teach your pet the proper way to respond to commands and thus being consistent must surely be at the top of your priorities in this regard.

Second off, you can improve your Bulldog's behavior by using positive reinforcement and giving him rewards whenever he behaves in the correct manner is a step in the right direction. Using praise as well as rewards is a proven and effective means of buttressing your Bulldog obedience training efforts though you need to ensure you time the giving of rewards appropriately. Also, the training sessions should be kept short as well as sweet and you also need to make the training easy enough for your pet to understand what is required of him.

Bobby Callahan has helped to raise, breed and care for many different types of dogs. Bulldog training is essential to ensure that your bulldog is well mannered and not a nuisance in the home and also when around others. The focus of this article is to provide useful tips on proper Bulldog obedience training and you can use this information along with whatever you find in dog training books in order to impart suitable Bulldog training.

Diagnose Your Dog Symptoms Dry Nose

By Zachary A Nyakundi

Dog symptoms dry nose does not necessarily indicate a dog that is sick. My dog's nose goes from moist to dry all the time. By examining their behavior you should be able to tell they are not feeling well. They will act depressed or lethargic. If they are vomiting or have diarrhea then it's pretty obvious they aren't feeling well. When a dog is sick he/she will usually have a dry nose which correlates with a fever. At that point you should call your vet.

Changes in texture (crusty, flaky) and color (loss of pigmentation) of a pet's nose should be looked at by your veterinarian. A prolonged dry, cracked nose, particularly with loss of pigmentation, scabs or open sores should be examined by your veterinarian sooner rather than later. An ill animal will often have a warm, dry nose in addition to other symptoms, such as: lethargy, decreased or absent appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and so on. In the absence of other physical signs, there are a host of dermatological (skin) problems that can be seen in this area, such as Pemphigus Foliaceus.

If the nose changes in color or texture that is another issue and once again you need to contact your veterinarian. Also if your dog has light skin such as a pink nose you should talk to your vet about skin protection. Dogs or any species for that matter can get skin cancer just like humans.
It is perfectly normal for a dog's nose to dry out in the sun, or go from cool and moist to warm and reasonably dry and back again. In the course of a day, this is perfectly normal. However, if the dog's nose stays dry for a prolonged period, there may be cause for concern.

Zachary A Nyakundi is an expert writer in a variety of topics. He writes high quality reviews for high demand products. View one of his blogs at

Alternative Medicine For Dogs - Natural Health Cures For Your Beloved Pet

By Trevor R. Price

As people continue to turn to natural medicine, more of us are seeking alternative medicine for dogs. Just like humans, dogs have natural ways of maintaining their health, and we need to harness these progressive defenses, not depress them when providing health care.

To learn more about different types of natural medicine and treatments for canines, read on.

Chiropractic Medicine and Osteopathy

Manipulating the body through chiropractic care and osteopathy has been shown to reduce back pain, joint pressure and spinal problems. In fact, in 1996, the American Veterinary Medical Association concluded that both anecdotal and clinical research proved veterinary chiropractic care is beneficial.

And though there is no clinical research to support the effectiveness of osteopathy, many veterinarians and dog health professionals agree that treatments can be effective and beneficial, particularly as part of a comprehensive recovery program.


Acupuncture serves as an alternative "medicine" for dogs and is typically used as an effective painkiller. Painkilling drugs work by mimicking the brain's pain-killing chemicals like endorphins. Acupuncture, instead, stimulates the release of natural endorphins.

Remember that acupuncture for dogs should only be performed by a veterinary acupuncturist and should not be done by an acupuncturist who only works on people. It is a medical procedure and should be treated as such. Instead, ask your veterinarian for a recommendation in your area.

Herbal Therapies

Most pharmaceutical drugs come from herbs and plants, but they isolate a particular chemical or component of the plant. In herbal medicine, the whole plant is used rather than only a single part. Also, many herbal remedies are seen as a complimentary program with each herb prescribed to a variety of ailments.

While many veterinarians understand herbal remedies and will accept that various treatments have a medicinal value, they are also hesitant to prescribe or recommend herbal therapies. This is because toxic doses of herbs are largely unknown for dogs. So, before you undertake an herbal medicine program with your dog, do your research carefully.

Relaxation and Massage

Relaxation is a critical part of good health - improving our breathing, anxiety, muscle pain and stress. The same holds true for dogs, and many veterinarians will actually prescribe massage and relaxation as treatment for pain, anxiety, stress or sleeping problems.


According to the American Veterinary Medical Association - "clinical and anecdotal evidence exists to indicate that veterinary homeopathy may be beneficial." And though no high-caliber studies of homeopathic medicines have been carried out on dogs, it's a treatment course that's increasing in popularity.

More and more veterinarians are beginning to prescribe alternative medicine for dogs, from touch therapy treatments to herbal remedies. So, ask your vet about natural therapies during your next visit as a health option for your pet.

For helpful information about pet supplies, please visit, a popular site about needs for your beloved pet, such as a patio pet door, solar bird baths, and many more!

2nd Hand Dogs Problems and How to Fix Them

By Tracy Lenderink

2nd Hand Dogs just how do they come about? Have you ever given this any thought?

Puppies are so cute when they are little. But now that they are bigger, not as cute, and are starting to develop some not so welcomed behaviors like chewing shoes, or the end table, soiling all over the house, and bark all of the time. They are quickly on their way to becoming a 2nd hand dog.

What about jumping up on you, you tell him "No", push him down, but he insist on repeating this behavior. He steals things and chews on them. Then when you try to take it away from him the game of chase begins. He doesn't listen to you, but somehow you always seem to be responding to him. But you really want to give this 2nd hand dog a chance.

Show leadership by not respond to the dog, but make him earn your attention and his rewards. If possible ignore his bad behavior like jumping up. Move away from him and don't say anything to him. This is showing dominance and if he doesn't get attention for what he is doing he will stop.

When he does stop, acknowledge him and praise him. Only pet him if he put his butt on the floor in the "sit" position without being asked for it. Jumping up can be stopped in minutes. Now he's a better 2nd hand dog!

Repeated behavior becomes learned. Behaviors that get attention even if it's negative attention are usually being reinforced. So if you are correcting the dog but you don't see the behavior going away then you are just reinforcing the behavior, because to the dog it isn't objectionable, just attention.

How do you stop the chasing game when he steals something that you don't want him to have? Keep the dog on leash in the house. He shouldn't have the run of the house anyway! Pin it to you so you can keep an eye on him, but have your hands free.

You have three seconds or less, and less is best, to praise or correct your dog. Always be prepared have treats in your pocket or a favorite toy. When he takes something before you can stop him, stay calm. Act as if nothing has happened. Offer the dog a treat or toy, as he drops the item for the treat praise him and give him the reward. Now that you know he will drop the item for a treat give a command, "Drop" and reward him for dropping the item with praise and the treat.

Now teach him a "Leave It" command, which means don't touch and to look away from the item. Start this on leash and with a food treat. Drop the treat on the floor and say "Leave It".

Be ready to stop him with the leash from getting the treat. Don't say anything to him. Give a little pop on the leash and release the pressure slightly. If he doesn't look up at you, make a kissing sound. When he looks at you praise him "Good Leave It" and let him have the treat. When he understands you can transfer this to any item, person, or animal. Soon he won't bother anything when you say "Leave It". Now he is even a better 2nd hand dog!

To discover more about fixing 2nd Hand Dogs, the secrets of communicating with your dog and learning how to be his leader, receive Tracy Lenderink's FREE Ebook "Discover The Simple Dog Training Secrets Of A Pro" - Go to: Attend Tracy's exciting FREE Teleseminar/Webinars with her and other Dog Experts.

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit."

Ways to Bond With Your Toy Poodle

By Richard Cussons

Owning a Toy Poodle is more than just grooming, feeding and training. As people-oriented dogs, they are eager to please their owners and spend time with them. Owners should therefore realize that bonding plays an important role in order to come up with a healthy and happy Toy Poodle. Below are some suggestions on how to bond with your canine best friend.

Watch movie. One of the best ways to bond with your dog is to watch movie together. Your Toy Poodle will definitely love to watch a movie where the main characters are dogs. Movies like Beethoven movie series, The Adventures of Milo and Otis, Disney's One Hundred and One Dalmatian, Homeward Bound and Dr. Dolittle are some of the good choices. A bag of popcorn or chips for you and few bones for Fido will complete the fun!

Grooming. Grooming is more than just keeping your dog clean and pleasing. While you are bathing or brushing your Toy Poodle, bonding is made along the way. Your touch will certainly create love and friendship that could last for years. Just choose what type of brush and other grooming tool is best suits your dog's needs.

Playtime. Play time is more enjoyable for your dog when you are the playmate. Playing Frisbee is not just fun but will also keep your dog in perfect shape. Toys like chew toys, fetch toys, plush toys, kongs and stuffed toys will also make play time enjoyable.

Walking. A walk around the block or in the nearest park is best for you and your dog. Remember to vaccinate your dog against ticks, fleas and other diseases before you take him out.

Get away. Next time you plan a vacation, include your dog in it. Look for dog friendly hotels and accommodations. When you intend to travel by plane, ask the airlines for rules and regulations regarding flying with pets. Plan ahead of time to ensure a fun and safe travel. However, a trip to a nearby beach on a warm sunny day is also ideal.

Shopping. Let Fido pick out his own toys. If it's alright for the pet store to allow your dog into the store, let him pick out his own toy. In this way, you can be sure that he really likes the toy you buy.

Train your dog. You can sign up for a dog training class with your dog. If that is impossible, train your dog yourself. All you need is good training method and at least 30 minutes daily with your dog. You can teach your dog basic commands and some tricks later on.

Richard Cussons knows a lot about Toy Poodles. Check out this site to discover useful Toy Poodle training tips.

Have You Decided to Get a Dog?

By Rajesh G Nair

How to start with?
You need to choose a dog breed that will suit your lifestyle, personality and requirements. Owning a dog is an important decision of your life. You should do some research before you get the dog. You need to identify a breed of dog, which is compatible to your personality and potential to be your best friend. You need to get specifics regarding breeders, adoption groups and animal shelters to get pure breed for your puppy. To know more read the article on.

An important member of your family
Once you bring the new dog or puppy at home, this is an exciting time for your household. Your young puppy is totally reliant and dependent on you to help him habituate and fit into human, domesticated world. Imparting training to your dog is equally important. Owning a dog means lot for you to do because you need to train the puppy properly. You also need to know how to control dog aggression and manage a barking dog. In this regard you can also avail help from professional certified dog trainer.

Being a caring parent to your dog
Raising a kid and owning a puppy have lot of similarities. A puppy requires your guidance and care. This is very important to have a well - mannered obedient dog. You need to teach your puppy basic commands like sit, stay, fetch, heel, leash walking, crate training. Proper puppy potty training is must if you stay in a skyscraper. Dog obedience training is must for shaping the character, temperament and behavior habits that your dog will carry throughout his life. Being a caring parent to your dog is one of the most gratifying experiences to have.

Dog clothes, clothing
Paris Hilton, a famous dog lover, has her own line of clothing just for the dogs. There are denims, summer outfits, formal wears, and all the designs and colors dog clothes are available. You can choose the perfect suit to fit the occasion and the taste of the owner as well as their pet.

Dog beds
A high quality dog bed is necessary to keep your dog fit and healthy. You should not allow your dog to sleep on the floor or other hard surfaces, which can cause arthritis and calluses in later years. A dog bed allows your pet to have his own space, a place where he can curl up, relax and sleep.

Basics of training and grooming
Dogs are social animals by nature and by not training them properly you will end up owning a dog that would behave like animal. You also need to choose a harness for walking your dog including safety, comfort, ease of training and style. Here you will get complete information about choosing the perfect dog harness for your pet(s)
Apart from regular training, you need to take care of dog grooming. Grooming your dog can also be a good way to bond with your dog, and it's important to get him/her used to it from an early age. Many dogs learn to see their routine brushing as an alternate petting, another source of affection and attention.

Proper food and shelter
As a dog owner, you also need to know from where you will get quality dog supplies. The most important of all dog supplies is dog food. Other different kinds of dog supplies that you might have to buy at different points of time are dog clothing, toys, and outdoor gears like jackets to protect them from cold, paw protectors and dog beds. Whether you have an adult dog or a puppy, you will need to buy a comfortable and durable bed. Beds are available in different sizes and colors and can even be customized. You can buy requisite dog supplies at wholesale price or during seasonal sale.

Importance of nutritive dog food and recipe
Deciding on the type of dog food you provide is one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your puppy or adult dog. Dog food nutrition directly influences every aspect of your dog's life. Growth of your puppies, their behavior habits, health, overall well being and appearance are all closely connected to the nutrition you provide - it's a big responsibility. With every stage of growth your puppies' dietary habits needs to be monitored and modified. You should keep consulting your vet on a periodic basis.

You need to provide wholesome, nutritionally balanced meals for your dog. So, where do we start in our search to find the best dog food? What are our options, and who can we trust or even believe?

Give Your Dog A Happy, Healthy & Pain Free Life
You need to know how to spot potential health problems in your dog. You should take basic training so that you can treat common dog infection or problems yourself and recognize when a health issue requires Veterinary care.

You should make a health care strategy for your dog which relies on careful observation, being proactive and is designed to prevent major health issues from arising.

Vet visits
Ideally your pet dog should be taken to veterinarian at least once in a year or more regularly if they deserve medical attention (more frequent in elderly). Most of the alignments in your dog can be successfully treated by medications or slight alteration in lifestyle you have provided to your dog. Many ailments your dog may suffer would be similar to what human beings have; loss of vision or hearing, arthritis, memory loss etc.

Always enjoy your dog's company
Shower your dog with unconditional love, petting and care for best behavior. It is very important to spend quality time with your dog every day. This also would help him vent his energy positively. Dogs by nature are great explorers, and you should capitalize and encourage this habit by taking your dog for walk in your neighborhood. Always make your dog feel ENGAGED and INVOLVED in your life as you are the center to your dog's life.

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Tips on How to Stop Puppies Biting

By Oscar B Jones

Isn't it just so cute when you see putties biting? Hmm. maybe when they are really small and still cute and fluffy but if you wait to stop it until they are fully grown before tackling the issue you will have big problems.

Fact - Puppies Love To Bite

This is very natural to them as it is a way of communicating with their brothers and sisters. However, as they are now away from their brothers and sisters and have no mother around to correct them you need to step in as their surrogate. If a puppy is not stopped from biting early on you are heading for trouble and worse case scenario a legal case somewhere down the road when you puppy bites someone.

Puppy Socialization

Making sure that you take your puppy along to a training center from an early age will enable it to mingle with its own kind and learn from older dogs what happens if they bite, assuming that these older dogs have been taught. You should find that the natural course of events will lead to your puppy realising that it needs to hold back on its desire to bite so that it does not end up getting bitten back and possibly hurt in a fight.

At What Age Should You Take It?

Your puppy should be socializing with other dogs by the time it has reached three months of age. The longer you leave this initial step the harder it will be for your puppy, and then young adolescent dog, to be calm and comfortable around other dogs. This could lead to various problems for you the owner and for your dog.

Puppies Are Just Little Fluffy Children!!

Puppies are very similar to children in a way that they will learn behavior from pushing boundaries to find out where the point is to stop. As with your children, if you do not have rules and regulations for them to adhere to expect a bumpy ride.

You also need to remember that you are responsible for their future behavior and you will want others to see that you have put the required effort into your puppy so that you can be proud and comfortable around others.

Play The Role Of The Other Dog

I see too many people let their puppy bite them when it is small as it is fun and kind of cute to watch but then they are surprised that as the dog gets bigger it doesn't understand when to stop. If your puppy bites you make sure that it knows it has done wrong by shouting "Ouch" at it. If you are consistent with this approach you see, over a short period of time, that your puppies biting becomes softer until such a time when you can try and put your hand or arm in its mouth and it will try and spit it out as it knows it wrong for it to be there.

A trained dog is a happy and safe dog but the training begins with you. To learn how to successfully and quickly train your dog visit Best Dog Training Tips Online and pick up some FREE tips on the myths behind dog training.