Thursday, October 2, 2008

Puppy Love It Grow's On You

By Vinesh Teeluckdhari

Pups are cute and loveable that occasionally it may be difficult to pass by them in the pet shop. You need to understand that they are cute yet they're a long-term commitment and unless you're prepared to attain that loyalty for the next decade and so it will be advisable to think twice before walking into the pet store.

There are many decisions that need to be taken into consideration before purchasing a pup..

First research the types of dogs you want to have and make sure they are suitable for the family because there are various types of dogs which have different personalities and requirements.

How to decide on which type of dog is suitable for you?

A few types of dogs are aggressive and not appropriate for children ,and so if there are youngsters in your home then select your breed carefully.

Take the following in to consideration when deciding on what type of dog you want . A couple of breeds are high in maintenance,therefore you'll have to take in to consideration how much you want to spend on neatening and clipping and the upkeep of your dogs.You ought to choose a short haired breed if you've no time for grooming the dog.To get more information about dogs in general visit our site

You'll need to take into consideration the amount of exercise that your dog needs.So if you can't walk then choose a dog that needs less exercise

And lastly you need to take in to consideration the size of dog you want...They may be cute as puppies but depending on the breed they could grow into large dogs.

Select your pup carefully and you'll have a loyal friend for many years. A pup could be the ideal match to any home, but braced oneself for what rests ahead. They tend to chew up anything in sight, they love slippers.

A pup is a splendid addition to a home ,so select your dog wisely and groom your pup correctly.

Mr Vinesh Teeluckdhari

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