Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Need Some Help Potty Training Your Puppy?

By Patricia Wagner

What a special time in life bringing home a brand-new puppy is! Puppies are adorable and they make you laugh with their funny antics. By the way, laughing can be good for you -- if it's the right kind of laughter!

Well, you may have just brought home a new puppy and now you may be wondering what to do about the possible destruction of your home your new pal may do. After all, puppies can go potty in all the worst places!

You're going to need to teach your puppy to go potty at the right time and at the right place, so he doesn't ruin your sofa, chairs and floors -- and more!

One of the first things you need to be aware of when setting about to train your dog is that they are creatures of habits. You are going to need to install habits for your new pal instead of letting him create his own habit patterns.

You also need to realize that your puppy cannot hold it for very long since he has a very small bladder. His bladder will grow in time and so will his ability to hold it for longer and longer periods of time.

You also need to be patient with your new pal and don't scream at him if he has an accident. If you catch your puppy in the act of urinating on the living room carpet, please be gentle with him and firmly tell him, "no" and then pick him up and put him where you do want him to go potty. Then say something like, "Go potty" or some other words of your own choosing.

A crate can be one of your best puppy potty training helps. That's because dogs don't like to soil where they are sleeping and since a crate is a confined area, he won't want to go potty there if he can help it. You can keep your puppy in a crate for short periods of time and then take him outside or train him to go in a litter box if you live in an apartment.

Keep in mind that your puppy has certain times he'll need to go potty -- like when he first wakes up and after each meal. He will also probably want to go potty after he has been actively playing for a while. You should also take him outside before he goes to bed at night.

Keep close watch over your pet to make sure he doesn't go potty where you don't want him to go and praise him when he goes where he should go. Your new friend desperately wants to please you, you know.

If you see any of the following signs act quickly because they show that your puppy is about ready to relieve himself: wandering off to a corner of the room, circling around while sniffing or standing at the door.

In order to train your puppy to go potty where he is supposed to go, you need to be kind and patient and realize his limitations. Be persistent and it won't be long before your puppy is house trained.

Grab your free dog training course and learn more about house training puppy. Watch free dog training video plus learn how to potty train puppy to go potty where you want your pal to go.

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