Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to Cure Tumors, Not Eating and Vomiting in Dogs

By Paul Kramer

One of the surest signs that a Golden Retriever may be ill is if he does not eat. This is why it is important to know your dog's eating habits. For most dogs one missed meal under normal conditions is not cause for alarm, but more than that and it is time to take your dog to the veterinarian to search for reasons.

The vital signs should be checked and gums examined. Normally a dog's gum are pink, if ill they will be pale and gray. There are many reasons why dogs vomit, and many of them are not cause for alarm. You should be concerned, however, when your dog vomits frequently over the period of a day.

If a vomiting is associated with diarrhea, elevated temperature and lethargy, the cause is most likely a virus. The dog should receive supportive veterinary treatment if recovery is to proceed quickly. Vomiting that is not associated with other symptoms is often an indication of an intestinal blockage.

Rocks, toys, and clothing will lodge in a dog's intestine, preventing the normal passage of digested foods and liquids. If a blockage is suspected, the first thing to do is an x-ray of the stomach and intestinal region. Sometimes objects will pass on their own, but usually surgical removal of the object is necessary.

How to cure tumors in dogs? As dogs age they are more apt to develop various types of tumors. Fatty tumors grow just under the dog's skin and are not attached to anything. These are usually benign accumulations of fatty cells.

If you see or feel any such lumps on your dog, you should consult your veterinarian. Tumors and bumps that appear and grow rapidly, are strange in color or appearance or are attached to the bone should receive immediate attention.

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