With the vast array of dog breeds in the world, sometimes it is hard to know which breed is the best fit for you. Therefore, it is important to consider the appearance and disposition of each breed when choosing which type of dog you would like to own. One of the more popular breeds to keep in mind is the golden retriever. Well known for their loyalty and friendly disposition, these large dogs often make great family pets. For pet owners who are interested in these qualities but are looking for a more distinctive dog, there may be interest in white golden retrievers.
The Appeal
Historically, golden retrievers have been bred as hunting dogs. Though many people purchase them as friendly family pets these days, that breeding still makes these dogs active and playful, with a significant need for much activity. Golden retrievers are also well-known for their thick coats, which make for quite an attractive appearance no matter what shade of golden it may come in.
The desire for a white golden retriever may lie in the unique quality of a white coat. Some people may like their dog to be distinctive and different from other dogs. A white-coated golden retriever is more rare than a golden one, which offers such owners a compelling buy.
The Controversy
Golden retrievers are aptly named due to the color of the fur. Though golden retrievers can come in varied shades from dark gold to light cream, they all do in fact have coats with some tinge of gold in it, therefore making it genetically impossible for purebred golden retrievers to be actually white. Some dog shows will even exclude golden retrievers with fur that is too light since it is a sign of less pure breeding.
Some breeders will still market their dogs as white golden retrievers when in fact the dogs simply have a very light cream colored coat that virtually passes for white. Other dogs called a white golden retriever may not be purebreds and may indeed be a white golden retriever mix that still maintains the characteristics of a golden retriever but taking on the white coat of another breed.
It is important to be aware of these facts when looking at buying such a dog. Some sellers may advertise a purebred golden retriever as being white and ask an excessively large fee. Be wary of such advertising as it may not be completely accurate and you may not actually be getting what you think you are paying for.
Whether you hope to find a purebred golden retriever with a very light coat or opt to purchase a mixed breed dog, finding a white golden retriever can still be a very satisfying purchase. With a beautifully colored coat and a playful disposition, white golden retrievers are an ideal dog to own.
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about white golden retrievers, please visit Why are Golden Retrievers Such Great Dogs for current articles and discussions. |
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