He's charming, he's cuddly, and he leaves poop all over the carpet. Can you potty train a dog with a carpet in the house? Can you teach him not to poop wherever and whenever he likes?
The answer is yes. You can potty train a dog with a carpet around. As a matter of fact, potty training becomes all the more important with a carpet around. After all, you don't want your dog making a horrific mess on the floor, do you? Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that make it easier for you to potty train a dog with a carpet in the area. One effective way to potty train a dog with a carpet close by is by paper-training.
Paper What?
Paper-training is a good way to potty train a dog with a carpet nearby. If you don't have a yard, paper-training will prove to be a blessing because your dog can go all over the paper instead of the carpet.
The Basics
Paper-training is simple. All you need is strict adherence to schedule, lots of patience, and a steady supply of newspaper, scratch paper, or housebreaking pads. With these in place, you can then start to potty train a dog with a carpet nearby! Having the carpet nearby teaches your dog to recognize limits - the carpet might be there but it's not his for the taking... or the pooping!
Pooping on Paper
Start by choosing a room with a floor that you can easily clean. Think linoleum. Think tiles. The following steps will help you potty train a dog with a carpet around.
- Put a layer of plastic onto the floor and cover this with newspaper. If you're only starting to potty train a dog with a carpet in the vicinity, spread the newspaper over a large area. Reduce it later on once your dog learns to pick out a spot. The paper should be thick enough to absorb roughly half a cup of water.
- Take your dog to the paper as soon as he wakes up, after he eats, or after he plays.
- Wait for your dog to poop or pee on the paper. Once he does, praise him.
- If you see your dog sniffing and circling around, take him to your bed of paper immediately.
- Leave one soiled sheet of paper in the room. When you potty train your dog with a carpet close by, you'd have to constantly remind him the paper - not the carpet - is his bathroom of sorts.
Yes, your pawed pal is charming and cuddly. But if you potty train a dog with a carpet around, not only will he be adorable, he can learn good manners, too!
Don't stop here. Start correcting your dogs behavior and obedience problems at http://www.Dog-Training-Works.com. Learn to go from potty train a dog with a carpet to step by step housebreaking in just 6 days. Check it out now! |
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