Thursday, November 6, 2008

Essential Fatty Acids For Your Dog

By Kath Ibbetson

In recent years a good deal of research has been conducted into the health benefits of omega fatty acids for dogs, and specifically on those omega-3 acids found in fish oils. Fats are made up of fatty acids, and there are two important types of fatty acids for dogs and cats-omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and their derivatives serve a number of major vital functions in our dog's body (as well as our cat's and our own). EFAs must come from foods as they cannot be fully synthesized but should be a part of the diet for dogs. Essential fatty acid deficiency may result in impaired reproductive efficiency, impaired wound healing, a dry lustreless coat and scaly skin predisposing the pet to skin infections (pyoderrna).


EFA deficiency is rare in companion animals today but occurs in dogs or cats receiving low-fat, dry dog foods containing beef tallow, or dry foods that have been stored too long resulting in oxidation of the dietary fats.


The first dietary supplement to consider for an animal with itchy skin is these acids. Natural cod liver oil is highly recommended by veterinarians for its high vitamin A (4,500 IUs) and vitamin D (450 IUs) content per teaspoon and for the Omega-3 availability to your pets. Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system. Younger dogs or older dogs, active dogs or less active dogs -- it is never too late to supplement your pets with omega-3 essential fatty acids, that is fish oil for dogs.

Your Dog's Needs

Dogs and human beings have different nutritional needs. Omega 3 oils are necessary in dogs for visual acuity and the development of the nervous system. Even the best diet for our dogs and cats of fresh raw foods can be lacking in some essential vitamins and minerals.

Your Dog's Health

There are about 70 million dogs in the USA. One in three dogs will die from cancer. In recent years a good deal of research has been conducted into the health benefits of omega fatty acids for dogs, and specifically on those omega-3 acids found in fish oils. Essential Fatty Acids should be a part of the diet for dogs.

Your Dog's Needs

Dogs and human beings have different nutritional needs. Omega 3 oils are necessary in dogs for visual acuity and the development of the nervous system. Even the best diet for our dogs and cats of fresh raw foods can be lacking in some essential vitamins and minerals. In recent years a good deal of research has been conducted into the health benefits of omega fatty acids for dogs, and specifically on those omega-3 acids found in fish oils.

Cancer in Your Dog

Cancer used to be the reserve of older dogs, but like degenerative disease that is now changing and old and young now have the opportunity to experience such traumatic turns in their lives. This subject is dealt with in another article.

Kath Ibbetson is a mother of 2 boys and the owner of two border terriers. Find out more about dog diets at This Site Or for natural food at This one

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