Monday, November 10, 2008

Understanding Dog Behavior Modification

By Aleesha London

You might have already heard about dog behavior modification. If you aren't very familiar with it though, you may confuse it with obedience training. There are some differences between the two though. In some cases, obedience training may only be a part of a comprehensive behavior modification program.

The term behavior modification is already a clue to what it is. It simply means significantly changing a dog's thought and feeling patterns to achieve corresponding changes in attitude and behavior. Strictly speaking this is different from obedience training where a dog is simply taught how to respond to a specific command. A purely obedient dog simply performs an act automatically without necessarily being able to differentiate between good and bad behavior.

In some cases, there may be nothing wrong with obedience training alone. A problem arises though when only obedience training is used for a dog with bad behavior. Forcing a stubborn or aggressive dog to obey without dog behavior modification may only lead to significant emotional stress to the dog. This may even lead to worse behavior problems.

Dogs with serious behavioral problems need to be handled by experts. If your dog however is only exhibiting mild behavioral problems and slight aggressive tendencies, you may be able to manage to teach your dog the right way to behave. You can learn simple dog behavior modification principles such as reinforcement and the use of cues. Of course, you want to be sure that you do things right so it is highly recommended that you research first before attempting to modify your dog's behavior.

Does your pet exhibit any aggressive dog behavior? Get free tips, resources and learn dog behavior modification before your dog's bad behavior gets any worse.

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