Sunday, November 2, 2008

Teach Your Dog to Sit

By Vic Lee

Teaching your dog to sit on command is something many owners want to achieve with their dog and with persistence and patience you can do it as well.

All you need is a quiet room, free of distractions for your dog, and a treat to reward your dog. If you are training a puppy it is important that you train your puppy in a room free of distractions so the puppy is only focusing on you.

Remember that during training no roughness is required, being rough with your dog can teach it to be afraid of you, which is something you don't want.

To start, hold a treat in your hand, while your dog is standing place the treat in front of your dog and slowly move your hand back towards the back of the dog, naturally your dog will sit. While doing this say SIT! Then reward your dog with the treat and appraisals.

Repeat this method over and over. Make sure to take breaks, training should be fun for your puppy. So work on this method for 10-15 minutes and then let your puppy take a break and word on it again later.

Once your dog is used to sitting while you say SIT! Then you can work on simply saying the command without holding a treat over your dogs head. At first your dog may not respond, but with repetition your dog will start to understand what sit mean. When your dog sits on command reward it with a treat and appraisals.

Learn More about How to Train Your Dog

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