Monday, November 3, 2008

How to Take Care Your Dog

By Lara Lee

For the well being of your dog, you must know about its problems so that you can treat them. We all love dogs because of their great qualities of loyalty, friendliness, protectiveness, affection, and fun loving nature. Owing to these qualities, dogs are considered as the ideal pets. Dogs are very loving and will always make you smile and feel happy. They do not hold hard feelings against you. As the saying goes, dogs are your best friends.

Dog's basic requirements include shelter, food, exercise and company. Your dog is dependent upon you for all these needs. It also needs training and protection by you. You must also remember that he needs proper veterinary care as well. If you own a dog, you must have a vet for him as well, so that you can keep routine check ups for him. Dogs can fall a prey to many diseases and needs periodical check ups. Some general diseases include:

Canine Adenovirus is a very infectious ailment and can be transmitted to other canine animals. It is transmitted in urine and eye or nasal secretions of animals with this virus and it affects the liver, kidneys and lining of the blood vessels. Dogs of all ages can fall to this sickness; younger dogs are at a superior peril.

Canine Distemper Virus is transmitted through contact with infected dogs. It affects the gastrointestinal, respiratory and nervous systems. This often proves to be fatal to your pet.

Para Influenza is also known as tracheobronchitis. It is infectious and can seriously harm your dog. Some of its symptoms include gagging and coughing.

Parvovirus is a very catching viral disease which affects white blood cells, intestines, and heart. Its symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and fever. It often proves to be fatal for puppies.

Rabies can distress all warm-blooded animals who are not vaccinated against it. It impinges on the brain and is always fatal.

You must take your dog for regular check ups so that it can be protected against all these ailments. You can enjoy your best friend's company only if it is healthy.

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