Saturday, November 1, 2008

Everything You Need to Know About Canine Urinary Tract Infections

By D Swain

Canine urinary tract infections are a relatively common problem for dogs. Older, spayed females have an increased risk of developing this condition when compared to males. This is due to the fact that female dogs have a wider and shorter urethra than their male counterparts. So, why does your dog develop these infections?


Dogs develop urinary tract infections due to various strains of bacteria. In particular, E. coli bacteria are responsible for these infections. These are strains similar to the ones that infect humans. So, what are some of the signs you should be on the lookout for?


Canine urinary tract infections can cause a range of symptoms. One of the most common symptoms that you will notice is increased urination. Unfortunately, dogs often experience pain or difficult while urinating and will strain to do so. The urine may also have a foul smell or have blood in it. Some dogs also develop fever and lethargy. If your dog shows these symptoms, you will need to take him to a veterinarian soon.


In order to diagnosis an infection of the urinary tract, the vet will analyze your dog's urine. The analysis measures the amount of sugar, white blood cells, protein, and blood in the urine. The urinalysis will also try to detect the presence of bacteria. Urine samples can be collected by inserting a catheter in your dog, or removing urine from the bladder with a needle. Or, your dog can simply urinate in a container.


Canine urinary tract infections should be treated as quickly as possible. If not, the bacteria can move up the urinary tract and into the kidneys. This can cause serious harm. Treatment of these infections is through the use of antibiotics taken for a couple of weeks.


There are things you can do to help prevent canine urinary tract infections. Make sure your dog has access to all of the fresh water that he needs. If you keep him inside, make sure you let him out every few hours so he can use the bathroom. If urine stays in the bladder for too long, the risk of infection increases as the bacteria multiply.

Canine urinary tract infections can be serious when not treated in time. There are also many more canine illnesses that can affect your dog such as canine liver disease. So, stop by to learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of a wide range of diseases.

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